Thursday, February 13, 2020

Hair… What’s all the fuzz?

I just read an article that a couple of FB contacts posted, that talks about women with short hair.
It says that is a political statement against the patriarchal society and that empowers women because is different from the normal conventions, and OK, I don’t care about the hair of a girl, I always have believed that the length of the hair, the color, and all of that stuff has more to do with the person, some girls look better with long hair some others with short, and they can wear it as long as they want. I mean is their freaking head, if they want to go Q-Ball great, razor shave it if you like it.
My point to this is the double standard, as always.  I mean, If a girl decides to shave her head great for her and the society will tell her that she is a powerful woman and that is so courageous. BUT!! If a guy decides to let his hair grow, what happens? The same society will say that he look bad, that he looks dirty, he is gay, he uses drugs, is a criminal, among others. Also it will be way more difficult to get a job, why? Well because people think that he is unreliable because they think all of that stuff.
I have wear my hair in almost every length possible and I know from razor shave, to long to the waist, and as a man I can tell that unless you are some Calvin Klein model people will tell you to cut your hair (And even so, the male models almost all have short hair) but is that, with long hair people told me to cut it, and with razor shave that I looked intimidating, any way it was difficult to get a job, you  need an acceptable hair length to get anything.
So, why is this? Well because women complain, they say they are not equal that they are discriminated and men had to take it.
The only place where I saw something remotely referring to this subject was in 30 Rock, when Alec Baldwin say that the minority that suffers the most is the white male, because now they have to hear every complain from everybody else, and yes, a lot of the powerful men in the world are white males, but some of them inherit their wealth but others fight to get it, and there are a lot of white males living in the street, why? Because most of the shelters are for women, or for black people, or people with kids, so the white guys have to suck it up and find a fly of stairs where there is not that much wind.

And why applaud one and not the other, I mean, a girl that shaves her head has way more time to waste, because long hair is a lot of work, and a guy who lets his hair grow has to learn to take care of it, buy brushes and stuff, so the guy ends up with a lot of work and learning, that is to applaud too, right?

I’m all pro equality, but equality means everybody is equal, no special treatment, and that also means no complain if things don’t go your way. Why you didn’t got that promotion? Well maybe you weren’t the person for that job, maybe you are not that good, maybe that guy who worked all day, all night, weekends and you saw him that much time working that you though he lived there deserve it a little more.
So just to finish, stop applauding dumb stuff like the length of the hair and start working.

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