Thursday, February 13, 2020

Movie Review Birdman

First of all I have to say that before watching this movie I have never, in my life, liked a movie by Iñárritu. I have hated each and every one of the ones I have seen, every moment, every plot, every character and location, every frame of celluloid I hate them, and so with this in mind I decided to watch Birdman.
The script is a good idea worked in an interesting way, the characters are fleshed out enough to be interesting and deep, you could say that you follow the life of a Hollywood actor how wants to earn his way in the theatre that by some reason that is important for actors in the real world. But is much more, because you learn about the stories of the rest of the cast by small talk and actions, like in good stories. You have many stories without leaving things behind or forgetting about them, like in movies with many story lines like “Cloud Atlas” or in Boyhood where they just don’t care about the story. In this movie you follow everybody and everything which can be a little demanding because of the way it was made.
How was it made you may ask? Why do I say it might be a problem? Well as you might know by most of my reviews I like to pay attention to what is happening all the time, that’s how I manage to dissect every piece of the film, I don’t need to watch it lots of times or to pause every line of dialog to see if something works or not, just pay attention. And that is a problem in this movie, because most of the movie is on the style of a sequence shot, I mean no cuts, or at least no visible cuts so everything feels like a very long scene, and that keeps my mind working, it’s dense, other people have the need to look at their phones or to lose interest after one event or with one character, and there is when their brains rest, but I just need to hear and watch everything so there is no point where I blink or stop holding my breath (in a way of speaking obviously I blink and breathe) and that was a decision of the director. I think that was a way to show how the theatre is alive and how people is always doing something, or was the idea to show the stress our main character is under, also we have some good beats to light the mood.
The music just helps to make it feel even more unending because you can just hear improvised jazz drums all the time, which gives you the idea of it is ending, but it never ends. So a couple of directorial decisions that could have made the movie more enjoyable. But despite all that is a movie that I would recommend to most people because we have great actors working with good material and interesting way of storytelling (not the best but interesting)
And yes my only complains fall over the director that, who was he? Oh yes! Iñárritu, right. Don’t get me wrong the guy makes movies the way he wants and about things he thinks are cool or great or interesting, but so is Uwe Boll, and nobody is saying he is a genius.
So I think I can say that this is the first movie from Iñárritu that I actually like and recommend. What is happening in the world?

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