Thursday, February 13, 2020

Doctor Who: Fan or Follower.

Me again in one of the subjects that have brought me more fights than the rest, this is Doctor Who and the people who likes it. So I’ll start and you can start hating me any time you like.
First I want to begin saying that I consider myself a Fan of Doctor Who, I have lots of favorite episodes, I feel a chill when I hear the intro and don’t say a thing besides “sing” along the sound of “Dooooooooo Weeeeeee Ooooooooooooh” 
But that doesn’t mean I’ll like everything they throw at me, that’s why I’m a fan not a follower.
But what is the difference between both, because if you don’t pay attention you might think are the same. Well both like the series, but the followers like it no matter what happens to it, and how it changes, they had become zombies that will consume anything that has the Doctor on it. On the other hand we have the Fans, the ones that like the series but also want the series to respect them and respect itself. What does that mean? You may ask, well means that you have your own mythology in it, and you should stick to it, you give me rules so you can’t change them just because. A follower will accept any change and any contradiction without even bat an eye, but a fan will point it out and rise his/her voice.
I stopped watching Doctor Who after Tenant left, not because I didn’t liked the new Doctor, but because I got really tangled with my life and didn’t had the time to look for it and watch it. But then I had time and Netfilx and get back on the horse, and I saw all the contradictions on Moffat’s version. At the beginning I love the new doctor, and Amy but then the things started to fall apart and I handle it but then was more like a train wreck, everything crashing and breaking, I just keep watching and now we are here.
This picture is wrong because at the beginning the TARDIS was a metallic cylinder.
Lots of friends don’t like me to say that Doctor Who isn’t what it used to be, some friends told me that is because Moffat tried to make it more for children, that is not, if you want to make it more for children go on and make it like the old one (Yes I have watch the old one, and movies even Black and white and I like them, I even watched the parody made by Rowan Atkinson is good here is the link) but Moffat tried to make the new Doctor like adult for children, and is just not working.
One of the biggest problems for me was River Song, because she is Mary Sue in the flesh (Mary Sue is a term for a character that can do anything) and also some other Mythologies changed, the worst was The Weeping Angels, because they had a great episode “Blink” but then it was all lost in the other episodes where it contradicted and ignored its own mythology so it was destroyed.
As you can see the Angel in the back is looking at the Angel in front, that is a no no in the angels ways, also they are loners.
 The episodes some are good and some awful, I never liked River Song, why Amy Pond lost her daughter and almost didn’t cared, why the Doctor didn’t tried to save Amy from the angels when he had the TARDIS, and don’t started with “It was written so it was going to happen” because that was the premise of Blink, the Doctor leaving clues so he can get the TARDIS back.
There are other episodes I like, Asylum of the Daleks is a good one, how they try to make other beings Daleks also I didn’t hated the idea of Galafrey being in the picture, that gives him a big goal, but also didn’t liked that they didn’t going to remember it because they were together, if that’s so how did The Doctor didn’t forgot it and the others do? You see the series has good points but also Moffat likes to trample over what has been created because that gets in the way of easy cheap writing.
So as you can see I’m a Fan not a Follower and I’m like that with almost every show I watch, Why? Because I like to pay attention for as long as the episode is running. Also I pay attention to commercial breaks but that is for another post.
That’s why  some people hate me because I can pinpoint  what I don’t like and that makes it so difficult for them to debate it with me.
I like a lot the looks of the new Doctor, brings back that vibe of the old series.

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