Thursday, February 13, 2020

Fan Fiction

A big part of my life on the internet I heard of fan fiction or “fanfic” but most of the time it was just Mary Sue stories or sex fantasies and that is never fun, at least for me.
But then I started to think on a plot in “A song of ice and fire” that happens during the events of the books but develop in the sidelines, sometimes it mix with the characters but others follows its own path, and I liked enough to start writing it.
But first I liked to start with a story of a what if, because in the third book “A storm of swords” there is a part that is two paragraphs but I think it could be a little adventure for more character development. If you don’t know what part is when Arya and the Hound spend some time in a village when going to the Eyrie, is a way to show that Arya still have a conscience and she can feel remorse for some small acts. I think that gives a little more light to Arya that needed one break from just walking and watching people die, because no matter how awful the world is around you can still find a reason to smile and see that not everything is lost.
Is a shine of hope for Arya’s chapters and I think it would worked nice there, but I wrote it so of course I’m going to like it. But what do you think?

My first Fan Fic
Here is the story if you want to read it, and leave a comment/review on the story, I’ll appreciate it a lot.

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