Thursday, February 13, 2020

Lego Movie

Everything is Awesome! If you haven’t seen this movie go watch it now, Best movie of the year, great for everybody.
That’s my review :D
Well you want a longer review? Here it is.
Many people might see this movie and think “is a 90 minutes Lego advertisement” and it is, but is the best advertisement ever!
Every line of dialog is great for the plot and the character development; also it has critique on today’s society.
During the movie you see the main character, that he is trying to fit in in a society, but not because he is better than everybody but because that is what the instructions say, you know, Lego toys come with instructions so you can build the race car once and then put all pieces in a box so you can start to free style :P
But the movie works in lots of levels, from advertisement because you want to go and buy lots of Legos and build that giant robot you never could because of lack of pieces, to kids because is a funny movie with a simple plot and great characters, to teenagers because has the “find you place in the world” message and has a personal and spiritual quest. To adults because the comedy is everywhere and there are jokes everybody can appreciate about modern society and you can look at it as a criticism. And that is the great of this movie; it makes you care for those little plastic people with little mobility.
Also when you learn that is all computer generated you realize that there was a lot of work on it, they developed a software that builds with the Lego blocks that already exists so that means that you can build anything you see in the movie (also they sell it too, that exact thing you want)
So we have a great script, well voice acted, animated great, and one of the biggest box-office of the year. And is not nominated for best animated film, leave alone best film of the year. It only got nominated for best song, that to me is the best song of the year.
Yes I might be over doing it and seeing more than what is there and some boring people won’t be able to pass of the point that are toys or that is animation, I mean the academy thinks that, but is a great movie, to remind us that the movies are supposed to be fun and take us out of the world for a while.
What do I conclude? Lego movie is great, go watch it, did you watch it already? Well watch it again, I never get tired of it!

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