Thursday, February 13, 2020

Nude pictures and privacy.

Hey this is just an opinion on what’s happening lately, to the 2 people that might read me and the other that only stopped by just to see if I had the pictures, well in short for you I don’t have the pictures so if you want to stay thank you for your time.
I have heard a lot in my FB feed of people condemning to those who download or even watch the images and I think that is unfair, they are in the internet and everybody can do whatever they want because that was the principle of the internet.
Then I heard that there are people condemning the actress that took those pictures, and I think that is wrong too, because they can take all the naked pictures they want in all the poses and bathrooms they want so I don’t know why to attack them just because they have naked pictures, I mean who doesn’t take naked pictures of themselves, is like in our DNA we have to take naked self-portraits of ourselves all the time, and we can’t help it :P
But my point is that they upload the pictures to the internet, and that is a no, no, if you don’t want to make those pictures public any time soon, because is like throwing those pictures to the garbage and expecting nobody to watch them. In the internet there are people looking around, scavengers and looters that want to crack a code and look inside the files of somebody else. So they took naked pictures and uploaded them under their own name and files, on a secure server or anything, whatever, and then they hoped that nobody wanted to take a pick of that? Man that’s naive, of course that a hacker that could get in would look on the files and download them.
So what I’m saying is, take all the naked pictures you want but don’t upload them, no matter if is a secure server or anything, also sending naked pictures to somebody is even worse because now that person owns the pictures and can do whatever they want with it.

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