Thursday, February 13, 2020


“An unfunny story”

Well I went to see Joker and oh man, Warner really took that “No jokes” really seriously.

This is a movie for the pretentious people who say “I don’t like comic book movies” “I hate commercial cinema” and some other bullshit also for the people who have never read a comic book or do not know anything of the Joker, so if you are one of those people you can stop reading and go see the movie, if not you are welcome to keep reading.

OK, what did I mean by the previous paragraph? Well I meant that this is not a comic book movie and that is not the Joker, this is an artsy, indie film made for festivals. Is not to give you a background story on The Joker but to be praised by snobs.

Well the movie is being sell to the audience like a man pushed into madness by society but it actually the guy is the story of a pathetic, dumb and self-pity little man who can’t do anything by himself and have some outburst of violence, also he is crazy from the beginning.

The character has no reasonable or logical progression on this actions, just one moment is pathetic, then aggressive, then pathetic again. More than half the movie they are selling us pity for this very unlikable character that you start to wish to do something other than curl up in a ball and cry or that horrible and annoying laugh, people say Joaquin Phoenix took 4 months to get the laugh and the voice for the character, I say he should have taken extra 4 months to get a good one. There is no heart behind that laughter, no feeling, no intention, it feels like just noise, even Leto’s laugh had something, this is just… and for a character that has been known for his laughter this is a step down (More like a full staircase down)

Years ago, someone released a memo from Warner studios over DC cinematic Universe, which it had the order “No jokes” for the movies, because they had to be dark and brooding, well they took it really seriously for this movie, because there is not a single funny line in the whole thing, and for a movie called Joker, is kind of a bummer. I mean for “Batman: The Animated Series” they had rules for the characters and the main rule for the Joker was “We must never forget that the Joker is genuinely funny” no matter what this guy should make you laugh, even in the worst possible scenarios. Here not even in the most likely scenes where we could get at least a chuckle we get a good joke.

The worst of the movie is that never happens anything, it is self-centred on Phoenix character almost as a character study but there is not an evolution, no self-discovery, no reaction, no nothing. Also the society is just there, we are told that there is crime and civil unrest but never shown, everything happens in the little apartment and the news are what tell us what is happening. That is the laziest thing to set up the environment. And because we are told by an outside element, we might not even register that.

To me this personification of the Joker is tied up with Jared Leto’s because, even Leto’s joker being such horrible character still have a dash of the what is meant to be, here Phoenix has nothing, is not funny, is not smart, the laugh has no heart, it has no presence, can’t even stand straight for most of the movie.

The Joker is supposed to be the character that steals a scene, no matter what Batman does, no matter who is there, the Joker should be the center of attention, because is unpredictable, here in the movie everything that happens you know how it is going to happen and when, so much for “Agent of chaos”

Well in short, if you don’t read comics, and like artsy pretentious films, this one is for you. If you like the character of the Joker you will not like it.

To me is a mediocre indie, festival film, and not planning to watch it again

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