Thursday, February 13, 2020

Movie Review Dallas Buyers Club

Dallas Buyers Club
I was disappointed of this movie, why? Because I heard that this one was the worst of the nominated and that is a big deal, I mean, worse than the wolf of Wall Street? Those are major words. But no, is not only, not the worst but I think is ranked among the best of the bunch. And here I was prepared to rant for a good long post, but no :S
The movie talks about a guy who gets diagnosed with aids during the 80’s in Texas and he wants some treatment but due to problems and bureaucracy he can’t get it so he goes to get it in Mexico (that against popular belief Mexico actually has a good health care) where he sees that the drugs for treatment are cheaper and work but the FDA don’t want to use it.
So the movie has a good structure and a good message, about the corruption in the health service.
There are some points where it threw me out of the rhythm a little bit like the sex scenes (that are like 2 and are like 1 minute long but even so) but you get some sort of a glimpse of the life of the main protagonist, not only smuggling drugs or fighting the government but also his everyday life.
In this movie you can see a growth in the characters, everybody changes and evolves in a very realistic way, they don’t show the magical change where the drunk, misogynistic, jerk into a caring loving family man, here the jerk turns into a guy who is a little less jerk, but that’s it he helps people and stuff, he finds the good in him.
I think that is very sad that when a movie that have the basic structure, character development, and a plot is to consider the best movie of the 9, and is not that good :S
*** ½ 3 and a half stars (I might be too benevolent but after watching the others feels right)

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