Thursday, February 13, 2020

Concussion or how to change a story to be more likely to get an Oscar.

I haven’t seen the movie, because it is not out damn there is not even a proper poster of the film but I’m almost sure I’ll not watch it unless is an Oscar nominee and my brother make me see it.
Why the aversion to a movie about the one thing I watch the NFL for? Well because it is less accurate than the documentaries about disinformation you like so much.
This movie follows a doctor from Kenia that he by himself brought the attention of the world to the biggest problem of the NFL, Concussions. The problem is that it wasn’t him. Yes he was part of the team that work on that but the one that actually started all was a college football player, professional wrestler and Harvard graduate Christopher Nowinski. As the saying goes “Nobody learns on someone else’s head” I suppose this makes a little more sense in Spanish, any way this guy got his fair share of concussions while playing football in high school and college and decided to see how far this would go so started to research, and start gathering a team to help him among them the guy from this movie Dr. Bennet Omalu.
So there was a team but it was Nowinski who was the face of the movement, he was the one that went to the houses of the players and ask their families if he could perform an autopsy on their recently deceased loved ones. It was Nowinski who wrote the book that made everybody turn to the NFL and not only that but also show that even in the kids games there are concussions, no matter how strong are the helmets. And yes it was Nowinski who faced the NFL in press conferences.
I think people is not ready for a white guy to be the good guy much less a wrestler Harvard graduate
 But I know is way more interesting to write the story of a man who came from Africa and exposed the evil corporation because he believed in the American dream, than a white Harvard graduate that saw the problem because he was affected by it. That is no Oscar material, maybe if we make him stupid but not full retard now that is something I can sell.

If you are interested in the documentary to see all the team working on it is called Head Games and is on Hulu and Google Play. 

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