Thursday, February 13, 2020

Movie review Nebraska

(AKA: Nothing happens, or The Grey Blur)
And now a piece that somebody brought to life from the deeps of the worst of screenwriting, Yes I’m talking about Nebraska :D
And I’m not being too harsh on this thing, this movie actually made me and my brother think that the other movies weren’t that bad (Except for “The Wolf of Wall Street” that is horrible)
And now going straight to the point lets dissect this toad. Oh and by the way SPOILERS!!
(But you know the story and there are no twists or surprises in this one)
Everybody says that you have to start a scene the latest possible and leaving the earliest, that means that you just show what is necessary to the plot, well here the movie starts like 25 minutes early, that means that if you didn’t watched the beginning of the movie you will understand everything and will think that the movie is starting, even if you missed the first half everybody only talks about what was stated in the first 5 minutes of the movie, so, if you watch the movie from beginning to end (Like I did) it will feel eternal because nothing happens.
I also want to mention that the lack of dialog and void scenes made this movie even longer because they “try to recreate the feeling of being with your family” If I wanted that I would be with my family and not watching a movie!! Some people told me that this movie reminds them so much to their families that it looks like a home movie, well if everybody would wanted to watch a home movie then the Oscars would be filled with them, and nobody would complain about watching somebody else home movie. But that is not the case, nobody likes to watch somebody else home movies because nothing happens and is not your family. Is surprising the time this movie consumes on people just sitting and staring way to go! Now look like you just being lobotomized for 10 minutes :D
Also this movie relies a lot on showing the panoramic of the country but you can’t appreciate them because they are in black and white, and by the way a black and white poorly done, you just see a grey blur, I don’t know what was the reason to make it like this, was it because it was more artistic? To show the austerity of the country side? Because it hides the light and wardrobe mistakes? Whatever the reason was a bad choice.
The characters are flat, there is nothing good about them or changes, or motivations, or anything, you just watch a bunch of people staring at the camera, is almost impossible to relate also because half of the movie are wide shots of the places and no dialog so you can’t attach to any of the characters.
It has one or 2 moments when it might try to crack a smile on you (Watch it, I said moments not scenes) just one or two lines of dialog, but then returns to the awful reality. I think that is how it should feel to be in lost in a horrible pace and then see a little hope for a second.
Also my brother told me that this movie had a budget of 10 million dollars, if you are bad at calculating money that would be 10 million tacos on taco Tuesday. Where all that money went? An average producer makes this movie with 1 million dollars. Somebody got scammed here :P
Well this movie is horrible, boring, and makes you want your money back even if you download it, so if you want to watch it just watch the trailer for like 2 hours and that’s it, it contains all the good parts.
* 1 star (I’ll rather drink old cooking oil than watch this movie, also it might be healthier)

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