Thursday, February 13, 2020

Movie Review 12 Years A Slave

12 Years A Slave
(AKA: Slavery bad, Brad Pitt good)
Sorry for the delay but today I’ll just post the movies left for this year “Best picture”
Is said in screenwriting that the story should be like a rollercoaster, with ups and downs, to make you feel safe and then scare you, make you worry about the characters, give you trouble and peace, change the rhythm of the film and keep you guessing what is going to happen, but this movie has a complete different idea of getting the audience interested, and that is, to make everything with the same tone and pace, so the audience get the tedious of being a slave, I think?
I hope you don’t get the wrong impression, this is a good movie, but kind of boring, because it feels the same from beginning to end, even when he is free again you feel it exactly the same, and I don’t doubt that how the things were back in the day, but if I learned something about adaptation is that you can trim a little bit the story to give those moments where is calm and feels like everything is going to be better and make other moments like is the worst it could happen. Somebody can say that I’m not getting in the story to feel those changes, well that is not my problem, is the writer’s, director’s and cast problem, because they have to make me feel like I care, but is just plain this movie, there is never more or less tension or worry, always the same level, and like in wolf of wall street you get desensitized and see it like something normal, by the middle of the movie the audience acts like people of that time, looking at slavery and all that like something of the everyday living, and that’s a problem because it loose its impact and strength.
The characters outside the Main protagonist are cardboard cuts of stock characters, the slave owner that likes his slaves, the mean slave owner and the drunk, among the characters and that gives you the idea that is not a real story, because the mean guy is really mean and doesn’t have any other character traits than drink and lash people around, no inside his life that I understand because is not like he was inside his house to see what happened there but everybody is there just as background to make the main character shine and be notice even more.
If any of my instructors that had a problem with my script tells me that they liked this movie you’ll have to also take back everything you said about my script, because of Brad Pitt scene where he appears and save the day, is in the third act of the movie and is pretty much the solution to everything, is god with an Amish look, and that feels like a deus ex machina that no matter how real that was, feels like the writer didn’t knew how to end it and just tossed a Brad Pitt to save the day, as I said before, you can trim it a little bit to make it look less convenient.
Some people say that the scene of the lashes is kind of gruesome and that raw, but it looks almost like the one in Starship Troopers, is not that bad. Also I think I have read a lot of books where they lash people so in my mind it looks way worse than that.
When I heard that Lupita Nyong'o was nominated for the Oscar I thought that she deserve it (because the other that were nominated where in really crappy movies) I mean the scene where she gets a hit on the head with a glass bottle is great, if she acted that and the bottle was CGI it looked great, and if it wasn’t, well anyone that can take hit like that deserves an Oscar :P
In general the movie is fine but as I said, it might feel that is long and nothing is happening, because of that this movie is not worthy of being among the best picture of the year, have some good highlights but beyond that is somewhere in the dull side, even so you can watch it and might be even enjoy it.
You can see that this movie was made to aim for an Oscar, not to please the audience or to make them think about the wrongs of the past or anything, this movie is an Oscar seeker and nothing else.
As Eddy Murphy said in Bowfinger “White boys always get the Oscar. It's a known fact. Did I ever get a nomination? No! You know why? Cause I hadn't played any of them slave roles, and get my ass whipped. That's how you get the nomination. A black dude who plays a slave that gets his ass whipped gets the nomination, a white guy who plays an idiot gets the Oscar. That's what I need, I need to play a retarded slave, then I'll get the Oscar.”

*** 3 stars (Good but meh, nothing memorable about it)

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