Thursday, February 13, 2020


AKA: Resume your life where you left it is not that easy.

Is good to see good Canadian movies getting some recognition, especially if they are made with lots of brains a good script and a shoelaces budget.

This movie show that you don’t need to stick to conventions to make a great movie nor make it super dark and disturbing to show a very dark story, for this I applaud.

When I heard of this movie I thought that it would be all the attention on the kidnaping and the abuse like all of those movies that just show you the worst of human kind and with infinite unbearable scenes of crying, but instead I got a good movie about life, strength and growth.

This movie don’t take the easy way to try to move your emotions and feelings, this movie gives you time to care for the characters, understand the situation and feel what they feel, and I appreciate all of that, because in a world where everybody just want to see the horrible and jump straight to the action here we have a movie that, yes starts in the problem, but it takes its time to unwrap what is happening and where is it going.

The script is good all the characters are well developed and have very human reactions to everything that happens, al situations are very real and you can see everybody’s point of view just shifting a little your attention, there is a narrator but is not quite it, just adds some colour to the world and the movie and fill some spaces with what almost feels like poetry, which is nice.

The kid is a great actor, at least doing his part (to me a great child actor is one that doesn’t ruins his scenes). I mean this movie shows you a normal kid, how he reacts, plays, and lives life, you see the world through his eyes, and really feel is a real kid living it, one thing that “Boyhood” could not accomplish even in 12 years interacting with that kid. In short, great kid.

The movie is more about dealing with a situation, trying to re take your life after something like this and the shock with the world than the actual kidnaping and it succeed at all of this.

Is a good movie not the best of the year but very recommendable.

**** 4 stars out of 5 watch it.

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