Thursday, February 13, 2020

Movie Review: American Hustle

American Hustle
(AKA: Fuck Screenwriters and say everything three times)
What happens if you throw the script by the window and tell the actors to do whatever they want? One of the worst movies of the year! :D That by some reason is nominated for best movie :S
Don’t get me wrong I have never been too strict to make the actors say their lines just like the script is written, if they have a problem with a line they can paraphrase it, but is that, just change the words and keep the message. Why am I saying this you might ask? Well is because this movie is a train wreck that the academy wants you to think that is a good movie.
While watching this movie my brother and I felt like some scenes where disarticulated and the characters didn’t act like themselves from one scene to the other, so we made a quick search in the internet and found that most of the movie was improvised! Hooray! But was so made up on the spot that even affected the plot, that is a great “No, no” in the film industry, because you can feel where they stick something that doesn’t feels organic, that it shouldn’t be there, and that is how this movie feels from beginning to end.
The movie is inspired by some FBI operation in the 70’s but here is where adaptation comes handy, there is a difference between “Based on” and “Inspired by” because Based means that there should be some actual events, and Inspired by means that everything could have been made up (Just like hearing a musical piece and that will make you think in a story) so the movie is not real events at all, then the actors had problems with the script from the beginning. Can you imagine? I mean you have people that have been in superhero movies (Batman, Mystic, Lois Lane, Hawk Eye and Rocket Raccoon) people that have read some of the most outrageous roles and now they have problems with the script? There has to be a problem with the script, so what do you do? Well this director said “Say whatever you want” in other words “The script was shit anyway” or “I don’t care for the writer” and they did it, that is why some scenes feel like are part of another movie.
Then I think they had a 50 page script because they are repeating everything 3 times, so they were something like “We can’t do a movie with a 50 page script… But if we say everything 3 times we get a movie 3 times longer! I’m a genius!” and no, you are not who ever came with that idea, I mean you notice almost immediately that they are saying everything 3 times, maybe because is all the improvisation and they need to fill the blanks while they are thinking in what to say, but there is something call “Script” that was made to avoid that, I know is kind of new it was invented during the old Greece (or maybe before that) but is a good tool to know what to say during a scene.
I just want to quote here something that happened during the filming of this very expensive home video, “According to Christian Bale much of the movie was improvised. So, during the shooting of the film he noted to David O. Russell, "You realize that this is going to change the plot greatly down track." To which the director replied, "Christian, I hate plots. I am all about characters, that's it." Well mister Russell, you can’t have characters without plots, hell, you can’t have a movie without a plot, well you can but is going to be a really bad one, just like this one. Also you need to direct the actors so they characters stay as they are supposed to be and keep on track of the story.
I heard that some people talked about the cleavages in this movie like it was something good, and is not that good, I mean you can watch a cleavage anywhere is normal, not to consider it as one of the high lights of the movie, because is not.
The nomination of this movie is an insult to the Film industry, because it means that you don’t need a script or a director to be consider one of the best movies of the year, you only need a big budget to hire lots of names and make it look like is the 70’s and here is your award, that awful.
Well if you call yourself a writer, or director or anything that works in the industry (Even as an independent filmmaker) save yourself the sore and all the gastric problems for all anger this movie might cause you, also the headache of trying to figure it out what is script and what is improvisation, because is equally bad.
* 1 Star (Not worthy the 2 hours to watch it, there is nothing to watch, is not even entertain as watching a bad movie)

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