Thursday, February 13, 2020

I’m not good for you.

Man do I have heard that title a bunch of times. Hey! Hello everybody, this is again a blog entry or more accurate a personal opinion about something that happen to me quite often, this is girls that try to tell me to fuck off but trying to be kind.
That phrase is by some reason the most common on the list and the complete conversation could be something like:
-I like you- Pretty much I say it fast so the girl is aware of me being interested.
-Oh! I didn’t notice that- Learn to lie girls –You are a very good and a nice guy, I don’t think I’m good for you-
-I think you are-
-That’s because you don’t know me-
-Can I get to know you to make my own idea?-
-No, you’ll find a girl that is right for you, good bye-

That is how it normally goes, but what is kind of weird is that those same girls blocked my feed from FB or even unfriend me for posts that I think are funny, or for giving my opinion about a subject, or just express myself, and that raises the question “So now you are better than me, so much that you can’t have me as a friend?” is very weird.
And I know that all those girls are just trying to be nice and tell me to fuck off but I think that phrases like “Get away creep!” “You are so ugly I can barely stand to have you around” and “go back to your sewer mutant” are not considered politically correct in this society.
The worst part is that they say “I don’t care about looks, I like personalities and intelligence” but that is bullshit because the looks are a big part in attraction, yes you can love a person besides his/her looks but how do they look is a part, and one big part of my experiment was with a friend. He and I have very similar personalities and intelligence, but he is way more attractive than me and he has a good radio voice, so we made almost the same jokes, and comments but he is celebrated while I’m condemned. Why is that, well looks help, and help a lot.

That guy is a great friend and I wish him the best, as for me I just hope for the best and prepare for the worst, also if you are a girl that I know and read this, now you know how and what I think. If you are pretty and I haven’t come on you, is because I don’t think I know you that well, or I’m not interested you can figure that out or ask me if you like I’ll be honest :P
I know that some people like how I look, but by some reason the girls that I had liked lately don’t get into that category, I never worry the world is full of pretty girls at least 1 should think that I’m not “Too good for her”

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