Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Nightingale

Today something happened that reminded me of the story of "The Nightingale" from H.C. Handersen. If you do not know the story it's a shame but I'll give you a very short version.

One day the emperor was informed that a nightingale was singing in the palace garden, and it was very beautiful, so he went to hear it sing and the emperor got so amazed that he order to build a bench beside the nest of the nightingale so he can hear the singing every day.

And every day no matter how bad it was just sitting on that bench and listen to the beautiful song of the nightingale made everything better.

Until this point is what my day relates to the story, I was having a bad day and I was complaining more than usual, but then someone cheer me up and it wasn't for a moment, it lasted the rest of the day and more, changed my way to see the world, so thank you, you really helped me today.

And we'll the rest of the synopsis:

Well one day the emperor thought that the nightingale might go away and he would lose it forever so he order to capture the nightingale, but in the cage it didn't sing, so the emperor even that it made him sad the idea of losing that beautiful singing set it free, because it was even worse for him the idea of a world without that singing.

By the way the story doesn’t end here and there are a lot of things more that happen here so I encourage you to read it, just get the excuse that is for your children but as all the good fairytales everybody enjoys them.

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