Thursday, February 13, 2020

Why do I look so Aggressive on my reviews.

Most reviews and opinions that people would find on FB are the opinion of a friend just saying that they like something or not, and most of the time those are just visceral opinions, just because the movie had pretty colours or an actor that they like will recommend the movie or the series, me on the other hand, that is a complete different story.
I like to look at a movie and dissect every single part, see what works and what doesn’t, where it fails and where it succeed, and you can’t do that on a visceral way. I deconstruct the whole thing and yes that looks like I’m picky but you need to be like that to see what make the movie tick.
So just as an autopsy my reviews are going to take out all the vowels of the movie and show them to you, it might look like too much but is the best way to comprehend a movie and why you liked it or not.

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