Thursday, February 13, 2020

IT: Chapter 2

IT: Chapter 2
Could not think on any kind of imaginative tag line.

I just watched IT chapter 2 and was “Meh” at best, IT has things going nowhere and characters running in circles just to pad the plot, IT feels like a game where both teams already qualified for playoffs and are just waiting for the clock to run out, the two whole hours.

I know the movie is just half of the book and the setting a present characters was done in the first, but in this one, there is no reintroduction for us, no “Oh, IT’s being 27 years, here let me show you the characters, feels rushed, like “You’ll catch up” but show nothing, and they just give a little background through exposition, and I’m being generous saying “A little background” is just like a line, for some others not even that. Is like you had to have seen the miniseries prior to watch this movie so you can feel the blanks from each other.

There are scenes that make no sense, like the opening scene, you can kill that scene and nothing happens, make IT start with the baseball game, that would have make more sense, because the opening leave you with loose ends. But hey! Nobody care for consistency anymore, right?

All the characters do is run around and that’s IT. IT is supposed that the second part is where you can have fun, where IT is supposed to be a galore for the audience, a feast, just jump into the entertainment because the previous one already did the heavy lifting. But here is like they had 1 and a half hour too much movie.

I think they tried to insert comedy in the movie but is so far from IT that IT just feels out of place when they try. That’s something the miniseries does very well, Pennywise there is actually funny and that’s what makes IT way more creepy, because IT has that switch, from funny clown to creepy clown. Here is just creepy and in some points even pathetic. I ended up thinking “Why they try to make feel bad for IT?” thing that they never accomplished, and just pulls you out of the movie. If they had showed something like helping somebody, granting a wish to a kid for some reason, we will have some counterpart, but here is just 3 scenes of pathetic clown and 2 of scary clown. That’s another thing, we should have seen IT running wild eating children (If that is what the only thing IT does) to gather power and be ready for the rematch, but no, just wining and a couple of birthday party tricks.

The worse I think IT was that, they say ITs motivation is to scare them and that makes IT stronger, but if that were ITs motivation then IT will not make them forget, IT will make them spread the word, like Freddy on A Nightmare on Elm St. but here nobody knows, besides from the original group, for everybody else are just missing.

To be honest, the movie feels light, but not light in a good way, “I barely felt the time” more light like when you have to grade a paper and see is only half a page long, when most people hand a 60 pages essay, IT has very little to remember, a couple of jump scares, a few scenes, but that’s IT, nothing else.

Another think I think IT didn’t helped, was that the audio went out twice during the projection. Good thing they gave me a courtesy ticket so I have another day at the movies soon, is there anything remotely watchable on? Or at least something you are interested watching?

So to me, this movie is highly forgetful, mediocre at best, I don’t think I’ll be watching IT again like ever again, and I will say to everyone I know, wait until you can watch IT on Netflix (or any streaming, cable, TV Station of your choosing) So now you see why I could not think of anything for a tagline, because IT has nothing

So final verdict, not worth of your time and money, but you can “Spend some time on IT” or “Just watch IT” if you like
Did you noticed I wrote all the IT capitalized? Well that will be more memorable than the movie.

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