Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Ballad Of Buster Scruggs

The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
AKA: We only had a few ideas that could not possible support a full movie.
We are already famous so people will watch it and will like it.
I want to start that I like westerns, actually I love them. My first TV series I’m developing is heavy handed on the western vibe, with that say, here my opinion.
I refuse to call this a movie, hell! I refuse to call it a series of short films. It has 2 short films at most and the rest are a few of skits that have no heads or tails and just happen, is like take a rhyme and just shot at verbatim what is said “Early bird gets the worm” and just put on the screen a bird getting a worm, boom here is your movie. NO! That is not a movie, you need, character development, something to happen, evolution on story, escalation or de-escalation, even for a short film you have to tell a story, simple but a story. This thing has nothing at all, only with the 2 stories that you can get a little with the characters because are longer stories and have a shit ton of exposition. And that is something extra, they rely a lot on exposition, because they don’t know how to make the audience to know about the characters and situations they just tell you. But of course if you like to waste time on songs we have time for that, they do not work for the plot or character development but you have the full song want it or not.
Well I’ll separate it on the different skits and tell you why each of them are boring and should stay on someone’s head instead to get to paper and after that on a screen.
Also Spoilers, but the stories are so plain and one directional that you can consider this spoilers.
1-The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
It is the one that starts, is supposed to give you the setup, the idea, the feeling of it. Starts with a fairly long song about nothing two bits on cantinas to show that guy is the best and a duel which he loses, that’s it. It has no deep, characters or direction, the guy arrives, is the best and dies, the end. I just could think on a dumb phrase “You are the best until you are not” and you think OK will be something short about the characters but will move from one to the other, but no, just happen and move on to a different story completely unrelated and on a different rhythm. After each story you could hear something like “Well that happen” and that’s it.
2-Near Algodones
The idea behind this to me was “I want someone with a pot on his head” I mean starts with a bank robbery, the clerk has a shotgun and armors himself with pots and pans, the robber is going to get hung but manage to break free and is captured again so is hanged, the end. That was it, you don’t get to know the characters, motivations, anything to resembles an ark is way beyond the writing levels of the person who made this one. When I saw the memes with the “First time” joke I thought “This is going to be a recurring thing, will be between stories and every time he will break free until the end” but no, I was expecting way too much from this one. He just died on the second try.
3-Meal Ticket
OK, someone told me this one was the saddest story they saw in a long time, but I hated the guy after the second time he said his speech, I knew he was going to die at the end and I could not wait to see that happen, but I thought that it was going to be even more dramatic that Liam Neeson was going to be 100% committed to the guy and one night he was going to drop dead out of the blue and the other guy was going to be sitting in the middle of the woods and realize he could not survive the night without his partner, and the shot going out along with the flame dying. But no, they waste a good chunk of reel with that guy only saying the same words over and over until Neeson realizes there are easier cheaper ways to earn the beans than carry that guy around, so he does what I wanted to do for almost the whole story. Here no one is relatable, one has no personality more than “Has no limbs” the other, nothing, and that we have to give it to the writer and director because is difficult to get nothing out of Liam Neeson. This story is boring to the point that is almost unbearable, I don’t get why people like it, is an easy tearjerker and most people fell for it, because there is a guy with no arms or legs.
4-All Gold Canyon
This story is a simple one, a prospector looking for gold. Not much to explain, and it would be an OK story, I don’t need several characters or anything, he quest was to get gold, they could have made it just him looking for the gold and that’s it, it would be OK but no, they had to pot a twist. One guy waited for him to get the gold and shoot him on the back. To this point I was waiting that to happen in that exact moment, because the whole line of stories where, something happen, something crappy happen, the end. Well not surprises here, he gets shot but survives and gets the gold. If you wanted to put a difficulty set a cave in, a storm, a cougar or bear, something that would have been more related with being alone in the wild, more than a guy that was keeping an eye for all that time and the prospector not even realizing.
5-The Gal Who Got Rattled
This one is the more similar to a full story, but then again it has a shit ton of exposition, there is no a single moment of silence, almost every frame is set with dialog for exposition for character development, or plot related, because of that you can get to know the characters and the situation, but then again, you can foresee the ending to every conversation and situation as clear as day. But all considerate this is more developed story. Yes I was expecting that ending since the moment they say “The Indians don’t attack us”. Also the bit of the kid walking backwards was useless, pointless and made only to set it on the trailer.
6-The Mortal Remains
I haven’t seen anyone staying that this is a rip-off from “The Hateful Eight” (Movie that I haven’t finish because is not a western, is boring and very poorly executed, but that is for a different review). You have the carriage with unlikely travelers, the more unlikely to be traveling on a carriage was the trapper, who I suppose should have his own horse, mule, ox and wagon to take the skins and other goods to town, a person like him will be more likely to go by himself to different towns and may be not staying in luxury hotels but more like the inn on top of the saloon. This piece has 2 whole songs and a couple of dialogs on heavy on the Tarantino side, where the dialog is there to get into the mind of the characters but, why do we need that, if the characters will be gone in 2 minutes and will be over. Well like in Hateful 8 we got bounty hunters with their captured guy, by some reason everybody are afraid of them the end. The only reason I can think is that all of them had a bounty on their heads and didn’t want them to know, but that would be if the writer would have some talent or imagination, or wanted to make a full story. Then again nothing happens and just filler dialog for something that has no pay off.
The movie has very good actors totally wasted, beautiful scenery, and good budget on the art department, but this shows that no matter how good the actors are, your locations how majestic, and how much effort the art department puts in, if you have a bad script or something that you just write on a napkin because you thought was a good idea but never worked on it there will be no way to save it.
In my opinion you can see it but jump parts watch:
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs light heartedly to remember the Bugs Bunny cartoons of the old days.
Near Algodones, to see a quick joke that extends itself and is not funny
Meal Ticket if you like the noon Mexican telenovelas and cry when the maid gets proposed by the rich guy
All Gold Canyon to see tips and tricks from a prospector/Crazy old man
The Gal Who Got Rattled if you like over exposition on a medium to good story
The Mortal Remains if you liked the intro from Hateful Eight
After all to me it goes All Gold Canyon and The Gal Who Got Rattled are OK, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs is mediocre, the other 3 should have not existed
So getting three zeros, a three and two fours gets a punctuation of 1.8 stars, but because it is supposed to be a movie it gets a 1 star rating which means, not worthy of your time.

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