Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Imitation Game

Here we have a very important part of the World War, is not a great battle or a new super weapon, is the oldest and more useful weapon of all, Intelligence. To know what your enemy is going to do, so you can act accordingly.
During World War 2 the Nazi army had the “Enigma Machine” a machine that created a new code each day so it was thought to be unbreakable. This movie is about the team how broke the code of this machine with a machine bigger and more expensive, the way everything is made :P so basically they created a computer in the 40s to break the code, to make the oldest decrypt program a brute force one (but to be fair is the one most people use to the date)
The main character of the story is the creator of this machine, Allan Turing in a deformed way because everybody who worked with him describe him as he was charismatic, charming, funny and very social person. But here our writer decided to take what his teachers told him the first day in script class and make him a social awkward, and a recluse person who doesn’t know or want to talk or work with others, so we could have a “fish out of the water” experience, but beside of that we have a good story.
All the events revolve more around the machine itself and the race against the clock. We see the team trying to break the code, and how the Turing’s machine is a struggle from the moment of making it, because in that time nobody thought it was possible a machine could make something that needed to be revised. Then there is the problem to keep the faith of the people because it was pricy keep that thing going. But also we have the life of Turing the way it should be presented, as part of the plot not taking over, a natural progression of events.
This movie is well acted and directed, is not that great to be called the best movie of the year but is a gush of fresh air to the World War 2 movies, because all those movies are the same, we almost never see the guys in military intelligence deciding what to do next, the classic conversations of numbers that are “Take this point will only take us 700 men” but how do they got to that decision. In this movie is a problem after the other; money, strategy, morality. Every time something is in the way of a simple solution.
This is a good movie, worth watching in the theatre or in the home. Because it doesn’t have great cinematic moments is more about the story and the characters. The moments between Keira Knightley and Benedict Cumberbatch move the personal plot and Turing’s Machine and the Enigma moves the rest.
So in short, yes go watch the movie but I think the actors don’t surpass others that I have reviewed or I’ll review next. So better luck next time.

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