Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Big Short

The Big Short
AKA: Rich white people getting richer and whiter.

Is this the year of the movies inspired by true events?

A movie about why are we all broke and some rich white people are even richer, great! I don’t hate the world enough as it is

This movie follows the collapse of the markets that happened a few years ago and how some people got richer with it. It sounds great, and super fun. It might be informative if you don’t have my Dad or someone like him to explain it as it was happening. To me just was to see the inside of it with pretty people wearing the hair a little messed up.

If you dissect the movie as I always do with the movies that I don’t get into it you can see a lot of things, like: The horrible editing, is not a movie but like 4 short films tied by nothing but an event, the horrible camera direction, and the poor choosing of ways to explain things.

So let’s get cracking one by one, wouldya?

Editing: to me editing is important, because I love to do it and feel the rhythm of the scenes the shots everything, but here it looks like the first time someone with no experience uses Windows movie maker to get a hang of it, to see what happens if I do this or that, there are jumps in the editing that would never have pass the AV Club of a high school, there are switches in the format of the screen what makes you pull away from the movie faster than a cat from a red hot grill. Then there are blackouts that stay for more than 10 seconds, other horrible thing to do. There is no pacing to the scenes, and the jump between one story and the other are just that, jumps. The mix with photos and music videos is horrible, I mean you have already a super budget to hire all those people why not make a freaking musical to get in the middle of stuff with the theme of the movie and blend it better, instead of having those visual attacks they called editing.

Is just 4 short films: It happened to “Cloud Atlas”, “Chronicle” and some others, just make a bunch of short films and put them together and you have a movie, this is very real in this one, if you see no story affects the other, they just go around doing their thing and trying to get richer, and trying to understand how all of that works, what is kind of stupid because it is supposed that they work with that all the time. Yes they discovered that there was more risk there but they needed to be explained everything, except for Christian Bale, but that is because he is the only real person of the story the rest where made up.

The camera: if you have ever grabbed a camera or at least shoot something with your phone you might know that is quite difficult to keep the camera till, because of your pulse or because your eyes wondered and your hands follow them and you started tilting before noticing and had to correct, but that is why in Hollywood they have Tripods to make smooth moves and stay still if we need it. But here the camera wonders from one place to the other and it make zooms just because, sometimes feels like a cheap reality show more than an expensive movie, mix that with the horrible editing and you get a no very enjoyable movie made by a 6 year old that grabbed your phone and thought it was a movie.

The explanations: As I said, back in the day when all of this was happening my Dad explained to me and I got it, but here the writer thought “People is dumb and they just listen to celebrities” so they make explanations the way they though it was easier for people, but just ended stupid and too dumbed down. Yes I have no doubt that some people in the US need that level of stupidity on their explanations but they do it in such a messy way that I’m sure most of the people didn’t got it. If you want to see complex themes explained in an easy way watch “Bill Nye The Science Guy” or “Beakman’s World” Even professor I.M. Boring was better explaining things. Because you need someone that masters the theme, likes it and loves to teach about it, you need someone with passion about it to transmit it. And Selena Gomez and the rest of celebrities just repeat like parrots and don’t care about it. They could have made a bracket like they did but like “the corner of economics: with Bill” got it? Bill because of the dollar bills, no? Not clever enough? Or something like that with someone that actually knew what was talking about. Also someone else besides the writer should had written the all the explanations because they sound like from text books of “Economics 101”. The other part that jumped to me was the narrator, that first talks to you in a way that is telling you “you are too stupid to know how money works” and second, I suspect they use it to make it more hip, and ended just plain annoying. Any way as I said I got that class before with my Dad so good luck to the rest of the world.

The only good thing on the movie to me was the point that Brad Pitt say, again our magical white man that can do everything, and that is that if this happens, yes you are going to be rich but lots of people are going to lose their houses. And that is true. But then again is just one moment in a 2 hour movie, not worthy to hear something that already happened.

If you haven’t figured this out this movie goes to the horrible pile, which is more like a shredder than a pile, but on the bright side only one from the 6 so far so we are better than other years.

* 1 star out of 5 the only reason it doesn’t make less is because it tries to teach something but better study economics and the markets, I think that is more fun.

You could say the reviews are getting longer and meaner

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