Thursday, February 13, 2020

Movie Review Philomena

When the academy started to consider hallmark movies for best picture?
Don’t get me wrong, I liked this one, but the point is that it doesn’t feel like the absolutely best picture of the year, it feels like a TV movie that I watched a Saturday afternoon because I got hooked, not even because I wanted to watch it.
The story is fine (At least this one keeps the plot moving and there are no dead space) if there is a quiet time is to think and see a little growth in the characters, also the characters are well made, they have to this story is based on a real story, wait, aren’t almost all of the movies this year? Anyway, this movie is kind of easy going and not pretentious.
But my point here is that this one is a “Human Interest Story” like they point in the movie those are not very interesting, and those kinds of movies almost all the time end as TV movies, which I like from time to time, I mean not always need to be werewolves riding sharks so they can save Atlantis (Wait! Idea, I call it!!) but for best picture of the year? Come on, I’m sure there where something better.
Also what was the deal with nuns? I mean, why do they still around? Every movie where they are they are horrible people, and this is not a spoiler, this happens in the first act of the movie.
The characters are well made, and they can switch from drama to comedy in a second, without being silly or over the top, they are very human very real. And is that very essence and that switch between emotions that avoid made this movie tired, because is not always comedy or always drama so you have a rest from all that.
The only think I really hated of this movie was the poster, god! What’s with that horrible yellow color?
So if you what to see it is fine just I don’t think is the theatre ticket price worth, I mean you’ll watch people talking that’s it, and the theatre you enjoy what you can see.
*** 3 stars (You can watch it, is fine)

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