Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Revenant movie review

The Revenant
AKA: The reality is way more awesome.

And Iñarritu falls from grace to me. If you remember last year I said that I haven’t found one single movie of this guy that I could consider watchable until Birdman, well The Revenant is not a great movie, it has good moments but in general is boring and poorly delivered.

That is the short review, and lots of people will not agree with me, because of… I don’t know they don’t like me or something, but here is a longer review.

The first that jumped to me was the camera direction because it doesn’t take you into the movie, even in the beginning it fights for you to stay away of getting into it. It make long shots with slow movements when you would like to be closer, and then gets closer when there is nothing happening and you would appreciate a long shot to enjoy the scenery. And some people will say “but they shoot everything with natural light” that says more of the technology than the camera director, that is just a fun fact, some extra work they wanted to do, not something to give awards.

The script has so little story that they had to fill out with other plots and scenes that doesn’t make sense to the actual story. Basically you can cut the first, what? 20 minutes of the movie and you don’t miss a thing. I always like a movie that I can arrive considerable late and still watch it without missing a thing… Of course not, I like my movies in Russian style where if you miss something you will struggle to catch up where everything moves forward and there is no waste of good 20 minutes. Also the movie is long and you feel it because of all those long scenes that helped no one.

The characters have no growth or development whatsoever they are a one note band. Each and every one of the characters just go and behave as they started from beginning to end, even in “Inside Out” they have more learning and development. But here they are cardboard cuts, the bad guy is bad and the good guy is good, if that is “Best Picture” material I don’t know what to think.

The movie could easily start in the fight with the bear and nobody will notice that they miss a bunch of movie. Also we can cut all the plot of the Natives and the French and it would be a better movie.

Don’t get me wrong with some good editing, and I’m talking of cutting close to 45 minutes off I think this could be a good movie but it got stuck on the “Meh” pile, which is good for Iñarriu because I used to hate everything with his name.

The point for me of a real story is to show how awesome it was, not to make it boring and tedious with a more generic story, here we investigate the story of this guy and it was super awesome.

So here is the real story:

The guy was attacked by a bear and left for dead and took his rifle but he killed the bear and they leave him the pelt of the bear, that is true, but then the guy crawl out of his grave, fixed his leg which had multiple exposed fractures and went for help crawling to the closest town on his way his injuries in his back got infected so he put his back against a rotten three so the worms eat the infected flesh (procedure that is used now by medics) in his way, still crawling, he found a dead bison and two wolves eating it, he scared the two wolves and eat the bison, remember he is still crawling and super hurt, so he crawl for 6 weeks until he found some Native Americans who gave him food a weapon and a horse. Also they sew the bear pelt to his back to keep it clean and avoid further infections. He arrived to the military post and found the first guy, who was still a kid so he forgave him, they told him the other guy went to Texas so he went after him. In Texas the other guy repents for his actions and gives him back his rifle our hero forgives him too and keeps on with his life.

Again the movie has some good moments, but is not worthy of its length.

I put this movie in the “Meh” pile it didn’t bother me nor liked that much.

*** 3 stars out of five not good not bad watch it if you like.

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