Thursday, February 13, 2020


Some of you might know that yesterday was the Canadian Thanks Giving and here it looks like is harder every day to be thankful, and I mean it, is like the world telling me to drop dead already :S
And lots of people will tell me that I’m being too dramatic again, well lots of people if somebody would read this :P but let’s see…
Almost all the people I know have blocked me from FB (Me or my feed) so they don’t care if I post something or not, not even if I post the most offensive thing in the world will do anything now, because as I said I’m blocked. That doesn’t count with the people that ignore me in regular basis.
Then got the situation of my income that is none, and days ago I saw the post of a friend that said “You can’t eat money” well news flash dude, you buy food with money!!  And yes many people complains that the situation and shit, but one big difference is that I can’t do anything to fix it, I just make things to get by, like this blog, web comic, and Vlog but is just kill time.
Then I have a ton of ideas but all get clogged and end up doing nothing, which frustrates me a lot because it is my own fault and haven’t done anything to fix it.
Lately my mind has a narrow door but a lot of ideas want to go out, I need some order there
The dinner was nice having a stuffed chicken (Yes a chicken not turkey, we are 2 in the house something bigger would have been too much) and pumpkin pie, and hanging with my brother for the night, the Chicken was difficult because the oven keeps turning off by no reason what so ever, but it ended good and the pumpkin pie was bought so it was nice.
But any how I think I’ll take this thanks giving like a new year and see if I can at least move a little my life and be more constant in the posting stuff.
Happy Thanks Giving and I hope you spend it  with who really appreciates you.

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