Thursday, February 13, 2020

On the street again.

I quit my job last Thursday, and as you might imagine by my last post, it was a Dishwasher job, the place was OK and the people nice (as long as they were off work) but as I said, people that can’t handle tension or pressure, and in a kitchen that is dead to everybody.
My job was not only dishwasher but also helper to everybody, and again everybody complained because I didn’t know where was everything and what to do in every moment.
I stood there for 2 weeks and I received a payment of 5 dollars, yes 5 Canadian dollars, one blue bill with Sir Wilfrid Laurier, who was prime minister from 1896 to 1911 and on the back the space robot arm or Canadarm2. Is a pretty bill but is only 5  dollars for 2 weeks, that is shit, I was expecting something more around 200 at least. So when I took the money I just thank them for all and walked away.
I wasn't fast but I always get the job done, no matter if I stay over time without pay.
I can do everything they do, and more. I know that if I’m given a chance to prove myself I can show that I can be better than anyone in almost any position.
So the song for that moment that popped in my head was “Take this job and shove it” by the Dead Kennedys.Link to the song
That is pretty much what happened, I finished my day and came back home to rest and hope no to puke out of pure anger and rage for 2 wasted weeks. 
If you didn't believe me, here is my payment. Yey! 5 dollars, Now I can retire!

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