Thursday, February 13, 2020

Hannibal Season 2 --Is It Too Bloody?--

Reader discretion is advised.
I heard a couple of comments from some friends that didn’t liked what has been broadcasted of the new season of Hannibal, that trigger 2 things in my mind. First why people complain about it, and second, how could I miss it?!
Well the second is that I have been tangled with looking for a job and things like that, that’s why I didn’t noticed and well I can catch up easy.
But the thing that intrigued me the most was, why people complain about it? Well they said that it had no story and it was too bloody, that the first minutes of the second episode are to crude and violent for network television and that it looks like just blood for the seek of blood and violence, so naturally now I had to watch it, because how much is too much?
Well I always say that they put the warning at the beginning because is a series about a serial killer after all, and some blood is to be expected and the first season had a lot of corpses, but that didn’t bother me, I grew up with horror movies and horror TV series, (at the beginning I could not tolerate the sight of blood, but I got over with) So now you can see my need to watch this and have my own opinion, and here it is.
The point that there is more visual than story is wrong as far I can see, because this show is a show that you can enjoy just by watching it even if you don't know the language or enjoy the plot if you are not looking at the screen just hearing what happen just like a radio show, because every conversation is like a chess game, you can see which characters are playing the game and which are just pawns that are oblivious of what is happening and the rhythm of the show is just like you need to make a suspense story, step by step and at the beginning looks like nothing is happening but then accelerate episode by episode until the great chase. But doing that for a show is boring and can lose people at the beginning. So they add more crimes and yes more murders.
I noticed that the show is more about the rituals but not just the ones of the murders but everybody’s because everything that they do is done in a certain way, making everything just not look pretty but important, and that is not only in the movements but how they talk too, that’s why you need to pay attention to every single word, and the way they say it, the intention and what is the real idea underneath.Because each and everyone of us have their own rituals, tie your shoes, brush your teeth, everything. Now you will not see every morning the same :P
I also heard comparing this to “Dexter” well for me that means that they are not paying attention to the show, because they are way too different. Here you have two very different minds working on its own. One (Hannibal) is almost like the math of a serial killer, is cold and always thinking, one step ahead of everybody, and on the other hand we have William he enters the mind of the killers and see the why, he feels the thrill and what they feel, also the pattern, two very different ways of thinking but also the 2 sides of the same coin. And there is how you see them the heart and the brain, logic and emotion, beautiful and sublime (If you didn't got that last one is something like what you like by seeing it and what you need to understand to find the beauty in it). So we have our hero and villain well defined. While Dexter (If you know me will know that I’m not a fan) you have a killer that feels bad for killing, I mean there is no way I can accept it, is supposed that he have some urges to kill and then feels bad about it, but why does he kill? Because he saw his mom dead in a lot of blood? I mean he feels a thrill for killing or what? Any way is not that defined and is more soap opera than actual crime suspense, you see his life, girlfriend everything and just a glimpse of the cases, that’s why I didn’t like it because I never cared for his life.

I also heard that if this were a Cable show it would be OK but not for network, well all the time I hear that Network is not as good as Cable and lots of things, so if this one is like Cable means that Networks are answering to what people want, so that might mean that the era of Good Network TV is at hand, and that is good right, free good TV, I can live in a world like that :D
And looking at all of this I just can say that I’m very happy that there is a show runner ready to make what the plot needs instead to please all the audience, that’s why we have diversity to watch what we like.
So if you can pass from some gruesome parts (that are like 2 minutes every 2 episodes) or you can pay attention during the whole episode or simply is not your genre well you might not like it, but has a good development of the story and characters, everybody is smart and thinking all the time and is a good way to let you forget the world and concentrate in the show.
Also, now you know why the put that warning at the beginning :P

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