Thursday, February 13, 2020


The only thing that I could say about this movie before I watch it was “At least there is a car crash” that was my selling speech for me about this movie and that was almost enough because last year we didn’t had that, but man do I was missing some of the movie.
What can I say about this movie? Really, I don’t know. Because I don’t want to give away anything of the movie, that is the reason of this whole paragraph, me to find out what to say about this movie without saying anything at all.
The story of this movie is centered in reality, the problems, solutions, people and situations are realistic, but always with a hint of movie magic, and we need that in a movie, is like a spice that if you use too much you ruin it, but with just the right hint makes reality way more interesting.
The movie is about the nightcrawlers, they are people who sell video of news to the stations, because they are all night hunting for those shots. In specific is the story of Lou Bloom (Jake Gyllenhaal) who is a very determinate person wanting to do something with his life, but still doesn’t know what or how. So we see how his ideas and decisions mark his path, and that is his story. Different to birdman that we have many storylines and follow lots of people here we just follow Lou and learn about the rest in conversations they have with him.
The story has everything a good self-contained story has, the actors are great playing their parts and we don’t have dead moments, every point is part of Lou’s growth as a character, not only as a person but also professional. There are a couple of jumps in time but are totally well made, you feel that you know what happened in that lost time, not only know, you can almost imagine the scene, which says a lot about the movie. By the end you know so well the characters that you can make up what happened before and after the move, or maybe is just me :P
This movie will talk louder to people how have experience using cameras for a living. Not as much the ones making their own little Indy film but the ones making documentaries and working in news in countries where they have this kind of nights every night
As I said this movie has a great character development, a well-made story, great acting, cinematography goes perfect with every moment, and you have tension where it should be and the main character is one step ahead of the spectator all the time.
This movie should have been nominated for a lot of awards. But then again there is no Lego Movie so the Academy is a joke.

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