Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Mandalorian

Well, to hell with me, I'll have to eat my hat.

So, Disney+ is up and running and with it the first 2 episodes of "The Mandalorian" and I have to say, it is very good. Not only that, is the best they have done in the last, hell since episode 3.

The series has that, old Star Wars vibe, but also is original and different, how a expanded universe should be. The main protagonist has a very well defined character and not only that, they give a perfect explanation to all my questions on why he wears that armour, why is he a Mandalorian and also a bounty hunter, and the plot.

The series feels like a western, which is the original idea on Star Wars (For all of you purist, before you say "Em are actually inspired by Samurai movies" Samurai movies are based on westerns and have the same vibe) so we have or western story with our very interesting main character in the middle of no mans land and enemies all around him. Very interesting series.

But what was the secret? You may ask, well Favreau and Waititi are great at it, also they used what there was already to inspire themselves to create this story and they got Freaking George Lucas as consultant. So yes Disney kneel before Lucas to save the franchise.

Te series is great, even the end credits are super enjoyables, they remind us to the covers of the old Star Wars comics, what? Am I the only one who read them? Anyway, you'll see good Star Wars art work.

Watch it now, or in February when Disney+ starts in Latin America. If you are wondering how I saw it let's just say I have my methods.

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