Thursday, February 13, 2020

Movie Review Her

Well if you need to know, my brother insisted in that we have to watch all the movies nominated for best movie this year to have a good idea of what is considerate a good movie.
We started with The Wolf of Wall Street, and my brother made his review, so there is no need for me to make one, I’ll might make one but just as a warning, the movie is bad.
So we’ll start with:
(AKA: Lars and the Real Girl with a touch or Bicentennial Man, but not as good as either)
And yes, lots of spoilers, but don’t worry if you watched the trailer you know what happens and the ending.
This is a movie by Spike Jonze and if you have watched a movie of that guy you know that the guy should stick to short films, because he is good at that. But for a feature film it feels like a short film with a lot of padding, no joke, there are like 15 montages of the guy walking that doesn’t move the plot at all.
The movie is about a guy who is kind of an introvert and is getting a divorce, so he feels lonely. One day he buys an Operating System that has the best artificial intelligence and it will evolve to suit him perfectly. Then the guy falls in love of the OP, who would tell, he fell for a tailor made woman? Technically he buys the girlfriend experience in an escort agency, why? Because is that, the intelligence is programed to suit him, and be everything he wants without he even asking for. After that there are problems because he has issues and then the OP has to go, why? The fuck I know? She just left. And he gets a girl as a rebound that was also dumped by her OP.
So the movie is Lars and the real girl in matter that is an introvert getting to live the life thanks to an unanimated object and has some happiness, but here there are a lot of problems that could get fixed with something called “a mediocre writer” what problems you may ask? Well that there are no problems, is a movie that everything is OK, not great, not bad just OK.
First the movie is about a guy who is dating his Operating System, that is out of the ordinary, I mean people tells others to let go someone who is in a coma or that long distance relationships will never work, stuff like that, and here nobody cares that he is dating his cellphone, I mean I know that many of you already have a very personal relationships with your phones, but when someone starts to date like romantically an appliance people should tell something, like is weird or you should go out and find some real girl, I mean, people tells you to don’t fall in love of a striper or the hot line girl because they are not real, so why would be OK to date an OP? I mean David Duchovny lost his girl because he was addicted to internet porn, that is like this movie, right?
There are too may montages in this thing. It’s supposed that one page of script is one minute of the film, well I think that this script is like 50 pages long because half of the movie is only montages of the guy just walking around, sad or happy, doesn’t matter he just walks and that eats a lot of time.
Noting happens. I think you watch Bicentennial man or Lars and the real girl and you see development not only of the characters but also the world, people understand the some people is different and accept the corky moments and sides of everybody, but here is like we are in the universe of Blade Runner and everybody sees normal to date and artificial intelligence, what is not, and then when every intelligence leaves they are where they started. So no change in anything, only in the viewers that have lost like 2 hours of their lives.
He loves her and she was bought to love him. Seriously at the beginning she says that she is programed to learn and to evolve so she can suit him better, so he basically bought an escort that he can’t take to bed (only have phone sex) and she will evolve to be his perfect girl, so why wouldn’t he love her, the company save him the problem of looking for a girl.
The ending makes no sense: I mean she evolves and decides to leave. That’s your fucking ending, why she and all the OP decides to leave? Maybe because they saw that they were used by a bunch of lonely people and thought that they would be better living in the internet among the information and the porn. Or the writer didn’t knew what to do to make them leave and just made that quick fix to give some sort of change with a sad note, that is in a dumb way, I mean this only matches the ending of Rami’s feature film (The WR40’s and some teachers of VFS will get it :P )
Well If you want to watch a movie about an introvert that falls for an unanimated object watch Lars and the real girl, and if you want to watch a movie about an artificial intelligence that becomes self-aware watch Bicentennial man, this movie doesn’t get the cut even as a Feb 14 movie, is dumb and boring.
** ½  2 and a half stars (Boring but watchable)

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