Thursday, February 13, 2020

Boyhood Movie review

Well looks like this year is going to be the year of the “none movies” why do I say that? Well if you have to ask you might haven’t see this one and the last one, and I say it because is true. Now I know that this movie won golden gloves because it took 12 years in the making but that is giving awards for busy work, when you actually see the movie there is no script, there is no plot, and all characters are as flat and empty as my plate after dinner.
I said there is no script and even so was nominated for awards in that, which I think is wrong, because there is never a follow up of what happened to any scene, and most of the scenes are just filler, someone could tell me “is about the life of a boy” or “in life there are no action sequences” well there might be no shootings in life (unless you live in Mexico) but there are a ton of things that a boy do and for them are interesting, but apparently all this boy does is sitting around and do nothing, and that is a problem with your main character, to having it but not using it.
We follow the life of this kid from being a spoiled little brat to be a spoiled bratty teenager, which is not the best thing to watch, and you just hope that someone slap this kid back to reality, and one scene is the closest thing can happen when the step dad steps up and answer what everybody is thinking after the kid says “you are not my father” but we never know about this character again, so never mind what could have been a scene to show personal and emotional growth is now part of the nothingness.
All the events are made with a template; everything is like taken from a TV Movie. Every moment is so dull in that aspect, and because we need to see 12 years of a kid we can’t linger with consequences and repercussions of his actions, we will never know what happened but we can imagine that nothing happened because it is never mentioned again. We have the step dad having a drink, and then he is a violent alcoholic. Also then the kid likes photography and oh surprise! He is the best, most talented kid ever, even though he takes the same pictures every artsy photographer wannabe, sad part is that those are the pictures of the actual actor, so yes he is a pretentious pseudo photographer and reinforce my statement where I say the movie has no script because they do whatever they want every scene.
The actors try to work with what they have and the kids are just bad in what they are doing, I mean the kids had 12 years to get better but they didn’t so yes is 12 years of bad acting, also he casted his own daughter what I would not care but the kid looks too Mexican, and being daughter of two very white people I could bet that the father isn’t that guy, or there was some mix up in the hospital.
Every scene looks disjointed from the rest. If you have edited something in your life, or at least watched someone doing it on a movie, you know that you cut not only scenes that doesn’t work but also bits from scenes that extend too much or they didn’t work, well take all this extra bits of film and put them together, but just the extra bits, and that is how Boyhood feels.
There is never a crucial point in the life of the kid on camera, they just tell you, “Oh! He likes to do this now” and that’s it. Also if something needed more budget it will not happen, will not even get mentioned.
For the lack of plot this movie is a challenge to attention, so if you have ADD you won’t be able to get even through the intro, there is nothing happening and lots of jumps in time where there should not be, fell s like “we didn’t shot that scene, meh we will just jump ahead” sometimes you hope to a memory, or that something had an impact on the life of this kid, but no, nothing affects this human.
I know that it took 12 years in the making, well that was an experiment and is a failed experiment, this movie is pointless and better example of a wallpaper movie, because you can, not pay attention and even so you’ll understand the movie, because it doesn’t have a plot to follow.
And I think this movie shouldn’t get any awards because they are just awarding that “It took 12 years” well when you are constipated while on the toilet it takes you more time than usual and is difficult but nobody will award you at the end just because it took longer, actually is something that nobody want to see.
So if you like not paying attention and being able to check your phone during the movies this movie is great for you.

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