Thursday, February 13, 2020

Captain Phillips
(AKA: I wait 2 hours to see what happen)
OK I think that nobody is going to defend this movie, starting by the part that even the crew said that “It didn’t happen like that” so we can rely that lots of this events where made up.
So what do we do if we have a real life story that involves at least a machinegun? We call the director of Bourne!! Of course, that’s so simple, almost as simple as the story, I’m not complaining this one is actually OK, not to be considerate as Best Picture Of the Year, but you could watch it (Damn, the standards are really low now in the academy, because if a movie is watchable is nominated)
As always, I don’t know if there will be any spoilers, because I’m writing from the top of my head so, better safe than sorry.
But what can I say? The movie is OK but kind of long, in the last part you only want it to be over, is not that the acting were bad, or the plot to confusing, actually the plot is so straight forward that you might think that is the first draft of a film student, because there are only one point of view, one problem at the time, one thing to do, the rest that is happening is just background.
Is a simple movie for simple minds, and as I was saying at the end I was just waiting for the seals to save the day, because if you watched the review in the news, I followed the story on “The Daily Show”, by the way, where was the rubber ducky that was in the dramatization they made? Well you can win them all :P
Also there are lots of dead parts, nothing keeps you stuck to your sit, you can watch, then go to the washroom and comeback, because is almost sure you will not miss anything important.
Well final point, this movie can be watched and only turned a little tired at the end because you know what is going to happen so you don’t fear for the guy, and know who is going to die, I mean that’s the problem with real life, there is no suspense.
*** 3 stars (You can watch it, if there is nothing else)

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