Friday, February 14, 2020

The VelociPastor

The VelociPastor
(Yes, is a real movie)

Don’t let the cover fool you, this movie is even better than it looks.

I was reluctant to make this review because I’m changing my keyboard and the new one has not arrived, the one I use is almost like a laptop keyboard so it is all cramped up and in addition is old, so the keys get stuck (Up or down) and is difficult to write. This is like when Jesus walked around with the cross but if the cross were 300 pounds heavier and made of barbed wire, the floor were lava, snakes were biting him, the people throwing rocks at him and 5 monkeys, dressed like roman soldiers, with whips were jumping on the cross and hitting him with the whips.

But because there is one little fellow how has been asking for this review for years, since he was a little toddler, so I decided to do it now, before it is too late.

Well… what can you say of a movie that has this title? Well, I hope it lives up to the hype, I mean, is not like Sharknado or Schindler's List, that with the title you just expect to see a tornado full of sharks or a list. No, here with “The VelociPastor” you have infinite possibilities, your story can be an epic, period piece, romantic comedy, horror, sci fy, drama. Well here with this one the answer to which one is it, is yes.

This movie has what some, new big budget movies lack, a story that follows the basic points in storytelling. And to that point is OK, it might not hit all the notes quite right, but it has enough of the basic template that makes following the story is quite easy. Unless you get hook on details like, what? Why? Uh? This movie is a micro cosmos on itself. It explains everything on its own terms and makes references to the same movie, just like the bible, which is a good example due to the religious thematic of the movie.

But not, being serious for a moment. This movie is a mess from top to bottom, yes it has structure, or kind of, the most basic structure and most of the “clues” or hints of foreshadowing are very obvious, but the movie is so poorly made that you don’t know if it was on purpose or mistakes if they were foreshadowing of just forgot to clean afterwards. I have the firm belief that most of the mistakes were made on purpose because this is the equivalent of playing Russian roulette, pulling the trigger 6 times and not get your head blown off. Is possible but highly improbable. (I said “most mistakes” because I’m sure there were a lot of natural mistakes)

The movie has what could be a complex plot, but they simplified to a 5 year old level, a guy on grief goes into a journey of self-discovery, in his travels he acquires an ancient ability through an ancient artifact, this ability goes against everything he believed and makes it revaluates his life and changes his life, and the explanation is basically “because” and they move on. Yes sounds cliché but that’s the only thing average on this movie.

It has the feeling of a 70s B movie, but even for those standards this could be a bad, cheaply made movie, the actors try to do something with the script they had, but I’m sure was improvised in at least 50% of the scenes, and only the two protagonist have some clue of what acting is, or fighting to be fair.

The best actress they could find who was willing to fight ninjas in her underwear

There are a lot of mistakes and problems I could point out for hours, but is better to see it and find them for yourself, that’s why I don’t get in any details.

I mean, look at that costume, I thought is was Jurasic Park

But outside all of that, this is a movie with heart, the kind of movies you do when a friend appears on your front door with a camera and asks you “What are you going to do this afternoon” the explanations are not thought through, some of the scenes and dialogs make no sense, hell, even the technique is super flawed but is fun to watch. How they made it work with only $35,000 is a miracle on itself. This is the kind of movie that is so bad that is good.

So if you have 1 hour and 10 minutes to spare (Yes is not even 90 minutes long) treat yourself to this piece of cinema magic.

Rating ****
4 stars out of 5 you have been warned is a bad movie so enjoy it and don’t complain later

Just one more look and I'm out.

Batman First Look Impression

It is like 10 seconds of a barely noticeable Batman suit (Seriously, it could be on a perch for all I know) in a 60 seconds video. To me this shows that fear a backlash and have to do everything again.

Also, what's with all the freaking armour? They said the movie will focus on the Detective part of Batman, that the closer we ever had in the movies was Val Kilmer with the super complex riddle "E. Nigma" but if batman is supposed to be like in the comics should wear a suit that allows him to move in the shadows with stealth, I mean, not even the Punisher has that level of armour, and the guy gets in guns blazing shooting everyone by the front door, but the new batmans need armour, because nobody wants a movie with a guy dress like a bat, gathering evidence, sneaking behind everybody and avoiding fights right?

At least this batman is not a fat guy with a spear made with a rock and a stick, and freezing when hearing his mother name, like a freaking safe word in some kinky bedroom game... or will he?

Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Mandalorian

Well, to hell with me, I'll have to eat my hat.

So, Disney+ is up and running and with it the first 2 episodes of "The Mandalorian" and I have to say, it is very good. Not only that, is the best they have done in the last, hell since episode 3.

The series has that, old Star Wars vibe, but also is original and different, how a expanded universe should be. The main protagonist has a very well defined character and not only that, they give a perfect explanation to all my questions on why he wears that armour, why is he a Mandalorian and also a bounty hunter, and the plot.

The series feels like a western, which is the original idea on Star Wars (For all of you purist, before you say "Em are actually inspired by Samurai movies" Samurai movies are based on westerns and have the same vibe) so we have or western story with our very interesting main character in the middle of no mans land and enemies all around him. Very interesting series.

But what was the secret? You may ask, well Favreau and Waititi are great at it, also they used what there was already to inspire themselves to create this story and they got Freaking George Lucas as consultant. So yes Disney kneel before Lucas to save the franchise.

Te series is great, even the end credits are super enjoyables, they remind us to the covers of the old Star Wars comics, what? Am I the only one who read them? Anyway, you'll see good Star Wars art work.

Watch it now, or in February when Disney+ starts in Latin America. If you are wondering how I saw it let's just say I have my methods.

Unleash the Beast!!

Well I got some backfire from my review of "The Joker" yes, people told me I was too nice to it, that I should have shoot to kill, decapitated, evicerated the corpse and then set it on fire. Well my response was "You told me not to be mean".

Well that is past and from now on only what I really think and straight to the point.

Also, some people ask me "Why am I so demanding of films?" "Why can't I let it go?" Well I studied film as my major in college, for 6 years I studied script, lighting, audio, shot composition, production, post production, among others. I didn't studied as a hobby or because I was bored I really want to work in the industry, I see it as a job. So if I see that some guy got millions of dollars and made something worse than I could do, I'll say it and I'll give you my reasons, all what I learned and why you shouldn't like it either. But well there is people in the world that likes to roll around in the mud and eat dirt, you can't save them all.

But in short, the beast is back and will destroy movies that deserve it.


“An unfunny story”

Well I went to see Joker and oh man, Warner really took that “No jokes” really seriously.

This is a movie for the pretentious people who say “I don’t like comic book movies” “I hate commercial cinema” and some other bullshit also for the people who have never read a comic book or do not know anything of the Joker, so if you are one of those people you can stop reading and go see the movie, if not you are welcome to keep reading.

OK, what did I mean by the previous paragraph? Well I meant that this is not a comic book movie and that is not the Joker, this is an artsy, indie film made for festivals. Is not to give you a background story on The Joker but to be praised by snobs.

Well the movie is being sell to the audience like a man pushed into madness by society but it actually the guy is the story of a pathetic, dumb and self-pity little man who can’t do anything by himself and have some outburst of violence, also he is crazy from the beginning.

The character has no reasonable or logical progression on this actions, just one moment is pathetic, then aggressive, then pathetic again. More than half the movie they are selling us pity for this very unlikable character that you start to wish to do something other than curl up in a ball and cry or that horrible and annoying laugh, people say Joaquin Phoenix took 4 months to get the laugh and the voice for the character, I say he should have taken extra 4 months to get a good one. There is no heart behind that laughter, no feeling, no intention, it feels like just noise, even Leto’s laugh had something, this is just… and for a character that has been known for his laughter this is a step down (More like a full staircase down)

Years ago, someone released a memo from Warner studios over DC cinematic Universe, which it had the order “No jokes” for the movies, because they had to be dark and brooding, well they took it really seriously for this movie, because there is not a single funny line in the whole thing, and for a movie called Joker, is kind of a bummer. I mean for “Batman: The Animated Series” they had rules for the characters and the main rule for the Joker was “We must never forget that the Joker is genuinely funny” no matter what this guy should make you laugh, even in the worst possible scenarios. Here not even in the most likely scenes where we could get at least a chuckle we get a good joke.

The worst of the movie is that never happens anything, it is self-centred on Phoenix character almost as a character study but there is not an evolution, no self-discovery, no reaction, no nothing. Also the society is just there, we are told that there is crime and civil unrest but never shown, everything happens in the little apartment and the news are what tell us what is happening. That is the laziest thing to set up the environment. And because we are told by an outside element, we might not even register that.

To me this personification of the Joker is tied up with Jared Leto’s because, even Leto’s joker being such horrible character still have a dash of the what is meant to be, here Phoenix has nothing, is not funny, is not smart, the laugh has no heart, it has no presence, can’t even stand straight for most of the movie.

The Joker is supposed to be the character that steals a scene, no matter what Batman does, no matter who is there, the Joker should be the center of attention, because is unpredictable, here in the movie everything that happens you know how it is going to happen and when, so much for “Agent of chaos”

Well in short, if you don’t read comics, and like artsy pretentious films, this one is for you. If you like the character of the Joker you will not like it.

To me is a mediocre indie, festival film, and not planning to watch it again

IT: Chapter 2

IT: Chapter 2
Could not think on any kind of imaginative tag line.

I just watched IT chapter 2 and was “Meh” at best, IT has things going nowhere and characters running in circles just to pad the plot, IT feels like a game where both teams already qualified for playoffs and are just waiting for the clock to run out, the two whole hours.

I know the movie is just half of the book and the setting a present characters was done in the first, but in this one, there is no reintroduction for us, no “Oh, IT’s being 27 years, here let me show you the characters, feels rushed, like “You’ll catch up” but show nothing, and they just give a little background through exposition, and I’m being generous saying “A little background” is just like a line, for some others not even that. Is like you had to have seen the miniseries prior to watch this movie so you can feel the blanks from each other.

There are scenes that make no sense, like the opening scene, you can kill that scene and nothing happens, make IT start with the baseball game, that would have make more sense, because the opening leave you with loose ends. But hey! Nobody care for consistency anymore, right?

All the characters do is run around and that’s IT. IT is supposed that the second part is where you can have fun, where IT is supposed to be a galore for the audience, a feast, just jump into the entertainment because the previous one already did the heavy lifting. But here is like they had 1 and a half hour too much movie.

I think they tried to insert comedy in the movie but is so far from IT that IT just feels out of place when they try. That’s something the miniseries does very well, Pennywise there is actually funny and that’s what makes IT way more creepy, because IT has that switch, from funny clown to creepy clown. Here is just creepy and in some points even pathetic. I ended up thinking “Why they try to make feel bad for IT?” thing that they never accomplished, and just pulls you out of the movie. If they had showed something like helping somebody, granting a wish to a kid for some reason, we will have some counterpart, but here is just 3 scenes of pathetic clown and 2 of scary clown. That’s another thing, we should have seen IT running wild eating children (If that is what the only thing IT does) to gather power and be ready for the rematch, but no, just wining and a couple of birthday party tricks.

The worse I think IT was that, they say ITs motivation is to scare them and that makes IT stronger, but if that were ITs motivation then IT will not make them forget, IT will make them spread the word, like Freddy on A Nightmare on Elm St. but here nobody knows, besides from the original group, for everybody else are just missing.

To be honest, the movie feels light, but not light in a good way, “I barely felt the time” more light like when you have to grade a paper and see is only half a page long, when most people hand a 60 pages essay, IT has very little to remember, a couple of jump scares, a few scenes, but that’s IT, nothing else.

Another think I think IT didn’t helped, was that the audio went out twice during the projection. Good thing they gave me a courtesy ticket so I have another day at the movies soon, is there anything remotely watchable on? Or at least something you are interested watching?

So to me, this movie is highly forgetful, mediocre at best, I don’t think I’ll be watching IT again like ever again, and I will say to everyone I know, wait until you can watch IT on Netflix (or any streaming, cable, TV Station of your choosing) So now you see why I could not think of anything for a tagline, because IT has nothing

So final verdict, not worth of your time and money, but you can “Spend some time on IT” or “Just watch IT” if you like
Did you noticed I wrote all the IT capitalized? Well that will be more memorable than the movie.

Alita: Battle Angel

I wrote this review when the movie was still on the theatres, but my brother didn't saw it so I decided to wait until he watch it and see what did he think.

Yes is a shit ton of time after the movie left the theatres but, let's be realistic, is a long review and you were not going to read it anyway.

Alita: Battle Angel

“How to make a good move and a bad adaptation at the same time”

This movie is hard to review for me, why? Because this is my all-time favorite Manga, directed for one of my favorite directors, adapted (in part) by other of my favorite directors. Luckily for you, I’m professional enough and mature enough to make a partition on my mind and divide both, movie and adaptation.

Let’s start with the movie as itself:

This movie to me story wise reaches as far as mediocre, because it hits so many classic clichés and some new ones that gets way too predictable. There is a big bad guy, there is crime, everything has corruption, controlled by the BBG previously mentioned, the savior will be great at everything and with ancient super power, there a super weapon that only the hero can use, ETC. You get my drift.

In the story we see Alita being the best at everything she decides to do, no matter how little she knows of the world she already can do it and be the best. But I’m getting ahead of time, let’s go with the story in structure.

Is well structured, things happen when you feel is natural, almost all the time, a little accelerated in parts, but let’s be honest the mashed together 3 story arcs in a 2 hours movie, and because of that we don’t have time to see what happens and we are told every detail to get into the movie, thing that I don’t appreciate because I will not care for who you told me to care if I don’t see a reason why. One good thing is that they avoided do what is turning very common this days, which is to present a character and kill it immediately, like in Solo and the train heist, I didn’t care for the guy why should I care for the action scene? If all die, would I get a better gang? Any way they don’t do it here but they actually tell you what is good, what is bad, and even how deep a character feels for the other, so you get the deep scenes further on. But in some cases I like mediocre predictable movies, and this was the case, yes I saw the ending from miles away, yes I knew which parts will be removed, because certain parts were learning and you super hero all powerful should not need to learn, should only go out and kick ass.

Visually the movie is great, and in some parts it recreates frames from the manga to the most minimal detail, but even so, because everything is accelerated you have very little time to rejoice in the visuals, because you have to run to the next scene, is like one of those trips to Europe of 30 cities in 4 days, yes you have memories of amazing views but also you want it to stay for longer. There are a lot of details that give more colour to the world where everything is going on, incidental characters, costume design, but then again no enough time to appreciate it. Even the movie has a lot of CGI it looks way better than Aquaman.

The story has certain inconsistencies, like having a super advanced robotics lab, but needing to steal pieces of some guy because… I don’t know, they can’t build them… with all the money and resources from the guy who runs the world, I think? I mean, it’s moronic to certain points just to keep with certain points that held the story parallel to the manga

So visually is great, story wise is mediocre at best, but that is what a movie needs to be awesome this days, right?

Well then, now what about if I tell you that, the adaptation has nothing on the source material?

Well I learned that an adaptation could have nothing to do with the original material except for the idea and the intention, and this movie tries to do the same story but with a different idea and different intention. What do I mean?

Well let’s see that means that you can set the movie in a different time, but remain the personalities of the characters, there true core and motivation, and will still feel like the same story. Change characters, locations, order of events and will still feel the same. Here they leave the husk of the story and change their inner self, yes they left some key points to hold the story together but those are only pins and duct tape, the real cohesion is no longer there. And I will tell you.

And yes, from here on might be spoilers so, you have been warned.

Battle Angel was the first manga I read, that was when I was in middle school, so way back. And I loved it, that dystopia and people scratching in the garbage to survive, how that little girl first wants to just know the world and see the world is not as happy as Ido wanted to show her. How there is no clear enemy only difficulties along the road to find herself, how even going through hell and back her heart remains willing to love someone. Here we got almost a Mary Sue that almost the moment she wakes up she wants to fight for justice, what the hell is that? Not even Robocop got to that point that fast, and it was in his directives.

I know a praised the visuals before, but that is a big problem for the adaptation, and even they recreated to an alarming level of detail certain panels of the manga, they still didn’t catch it the city is supposed to be old, grime, dust, junk, rust and dirt all over. This manga characteristic to have a lot of body horror and deformities has a clean cut movie, even the back alleys look clean, what is this? Canada? It needed more personality, I mean it looks like a nice city in Mexico, more than a dystopian future, which looks like a bad Mexican neighbourhood.

So the way to put it will be fair and simple, let’s go with the characters.

Nova, this was the worst they could do to an amazing character, in the manga, Nova is not good nor bad, he is the embodiment of scientific curiosity, why nova do stuff? Because he wants to learn, he wants to see what happens if, he does his research, works the theory all together and then goes to try it, he doesn’t want to control the world, or rule it, he wants to see what’s beyond of the known world, and that’s it, well also eat flan, but who doesn’t? Here Nova is the big bad evil that runs the show, controls the mafia, motor ball, but I suppose he doesn’t control the chains manufacturers, that’s why he has to steal chains, see? That is call a call back. So you lose a great character to have a cardboard cut of a classic Mr. Evil who wants to… what ever

Hugo, being a charming, responsible and caring boyfriend did very little for his character or anyone else, the original character is a jerk, some asshole that breaks Alita’s heart more than once, and that was the point, she falls for him and he is a scumbag. In the movie he is the hooker with the heart of gold, he steals pieces of cyborgs, but does not kill them, he has a code and respect everyone to accomplish his dream of a better life. That does nothing is just some goodie two shoes bending a little the rules, like someone who steal bread because is hungry. The original one steals parts, but biological parts, he steal spines because those you can’t recreate, is a murderer that only cares for himself, for him cyborgs are less than humans and only sees Alita as some girl that is always behind him and later on as his meal ticket. And when he gets turned into a cyborg he thinks his life is over, so he tries his last “Hail Mary” dies there, still not caring for Alita or anyone else.

Ido is just exposition, he is there to explain the world and they slapped on him a sob story to finish him before lunch. That and also he is a facilitator, sorry sir, I don’t have the parts you need to work, but I have two full bodies for Alita and her boyfriend, give me a break.

MotorBall here is over played and under played at the same time, they use it to give reason to do stuff, but seriously, if a MotorBall player has a weapon that means that is commercial grade, you might be even able to get it in the junkyard. So that makes no sense when they have Nova on their side, why the need for stealing when they have way more advanced tech. In the Manga MotorBall is a way for Alita to find herself, be away from Ido who always tried to protect her, there is also a phrase she said to him that I thought they would use in the movie which is “I’m not a little girl that you can dress and will just be pretty”. MotorBall is only a sport, and she is on the 3rd league, that will be something like the minors for all American friends that doesn’t know that most sports you start on a lower league/division and earn your way up. And one thing it bothered me was the champ, Jashugan, this guy is a God in MotorBall in the Manga, here is just some guy who is kind of good at it, he is so good that when he plays he removes one of his arms as a handicap just to give the others a chance, when he gets his duel against Alita he tells her to get a group of 5, so 4 other player to consider it an even match, and even so he pulverizes all of them, even Alita. 

A full team against the Champ

The Wiki say that he lost but shit, look at it, in the final panel he puts his fist through her stomach. That is the ending of that arch, she lost and he became a legend, the undefeated God.

Yes, she looks like a winner there

I was not going to say anything but… Alita, in the movie she is from start the hero you expect, she is pure and badass, the nice little girl who packs a heavy punch (I think I worked with someone like that ) and wants answers and save the world, and that makes her boring, I’m good so I have my mind set and I’ll do everything right. Manga Alita is very complex, yes start naïve but then grows, makes mistakes, learn from it, learn from everyone, the Panzer Kunst is not perfect and she learns ways to improve every time, but also she is temperamental, short fuse and stubborn, and we love her for all that she is (well I love her) the new one is just some generic heroine, BORING! 

The worst part of Alita's movie is that we will never have a movie with Elf and Zwölf.
Eh? Oh yes, Sechs too will be missed.
But for how the managed adapting characters I think is for the best.

There are way more things that the original story makes it more engaging, more appealing.

Then again the movie is nice to watch and the story is OK so it will be a solid 3 stars out of 5 as a whole, 4 stars as a movie, 2 stars as adaptation, so let’s meet up in the middle.

*** 3 stars, watch it, don’t think too much about it.

Spider-Man: Far From Home

Spider-Man: Far From Home

Well before watching this movie I heard "Is similar to the first one" but was kind of a dismissive way. Kind of "Is OK" but when I saw it I really understood what was that about. Because in the first one we have "The Vulture" but instead of a flying old man stealing purses we got Michael Keaton playing a blue colar worker who was pushed aside by the Government, but is super charismatic and had a great back story, you actually want him to succeed at certain point. Here we have Misterio, and man, that Jake Gyllenhaal makes you care for who in the comic books was just some guy who robs banks with smoke and mirrors.

Also my brother once said a movie with Misterio would be so amazing to watch. Well here they deliver, is a visual feast. And the story is very good. People don't like the new Spider-Man but most of them are people who didn't read the comics and can't get that Spider-Man is still just a kid, leave all that grown-up stuff for any of the other guys who are actual grown-ups.

Anyway the movie is cool, Misterio is great and I stand by the statement that this movie is way better than Endgame. But if you just need flashy things on the screen you might think differently. But I care about story and characters.

Sex Education

Sex education

As you can imagine this is not as much a review but more a comparison.

I heard a lot of good things of Sex Education, so I decided to watch it, even when I was completely drawn away when I saw the trailer and the images Netflix uses to advertise it. But when I decided to watch the first episode I was bored beyond recognition, I watched the first episode in like 3 parts but to me was not clever, witty, funny, well written. It is just a show way too manicured, too choreograph, too pretty, too clean, too neat, with an over the top acting by people way older the age they are supposed to be (seriously Margot Robbie is like 30) and way dumber than anyone with access to the internet. I was annoyed by all the cliché characters which are all of them.

I’m not going to keep watching this show any time soon, or ever. But in my defense I suppose I’m not on the mind set for it, I mean see the shows I lied lately, Punisher, Wayne, Cobra Kai, Happy! Etc.

If you like it great, to me is supper boring, tries too hard to be funny and it doesn’t and character development gets as far as a cliché can get.


Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife

Watching Knightfall, by the way I totally recommend it, I realized that I'm very similar to Landry, the decisions he take are the ones I think are the right one, and fix his mistakes as I think is the best way possible, with one exception.

He likes a married woman, and I will never do that. I could like the her and the she like me in return but if she is with someone else she will remain there, off limits. And you can be sure this vow of mine has been tested before and is strong as forged steel.

Monster Hunter World

If you look for me, I'll be in the new world.

Dragon's Dogma

Well Dragon's Dogma return in its for for PS4, this is one of the 2 games I got platinum.

So, guess who is not going to work tomorrow?

Just kidding, I'll be there as always, but my mind will be killing dragons and at Bitterblack Isle running away from Death

By the way, if you have me in PS Network as friend you can recruit my companion. In PS4 is just a level 7 but in PS3 is a Lv 200 Ninja Archer Killing Machine

The Nightingale

Today something happened that reminded me of the story of "The Nightingale" from H.C. Handersen. If you do not know the story it's a shame but I'll give you a very short version.

One day the emperor was informed that a nightingale was singing in the palace garden, and it was very beautiful, so he went to hear it sing and the emperor got so amazed that he order to build a bench beside the nest of the nightingale so he can hear the singing every day.

And every day no matter how bad it was just sitting on that bench and listen to the beautiful song of the nightingale made everything better.

Until this point is what my day relates to the story, I was having a bad day and I was complaining more than usual, but then someone cheer me up and it wasn't for a moment, it lasted the rest of the day and more, changed my way to see the world, so thank you, you really helped me today.

And we'll the rest of the synopsis:

Well one day the emperor thought that the nightingale might go away and he would lose it forever so he order to capture the nightingale, but in the cage it didn't sing, so the emperor even that it made him sad the idea of losing that beautiful singing set it free, because it was even worse for him the idea of a world without that singing.

By the way the story doesn’t end here and there are a lot of things more that happen here so I encourage you to read it, just get the excuse that is for your children but as all the good fairytales everybody enjoys them.


So, I finished yet another game, this time was Never Dead. A game that for my very personal opinion the critics were too harsh on it. I haven't read the reviews but I can imagine why people hated that much.

The game if fun to play and the characters are wisecracking from time to time. But if you play it non stop you feel that the wisecracking gets annoying and the game mechanics repetitive. But this is a game for smaller doses one level at the time or so, when you start to get frustrated or annoyed stop and do something else.

The game if forgettable and some levels should not even exist but is fun to play for a moment and the story has enough substance to make a movie out of it or maybe a TV series. But as a game gets kind of stale when your character can't die at all.

Well the game is over and I'm not the kind of guy who needs to get all the trophies to get platinum I just like the story, the fun to play it and then move on.

So in short if you have the opportunity to play it give it a chance. It will not change your life but it is a good way to pass time.

The Witch and the Hundred Knight

I finished "The Witch and the Hundred Knight" (What? Didn't you know I'm a gamer) it is an adventure game on the button masher spectrum, but is entertain and the story is fun and even in some parts heartwarming also have some sad parts.

The game is not very difficult, if you have some patience and like grinding up some levels but to me is rewarding and to follow the story is fun and interesting because you have your main plot that evolves as you progress but there is also the subplot that later turns into the main plot and you discover more about the characters and even the most minor characters have some level of depth and an ending, if you get to the real ending.

In this game you play as "The Hundred Knight" who is the familiar of Metalia the swamp witch and you start to gain intelligence and self awareness. Anyway the game is fun and I liked it but now I got all the trophies all the way to platinum so there is no much I can get from it so it will rest for some time, and continue with the backlog of games.



When this series was announced I was excited and terrified, because Legion is a character with lots of potential, but also Fox has screwed good characters so I didn't know what to expect. Then I watched the first episode and the fear went away. That first episode covered my expectations, it was weird and visually great with an editing that gives you the idea of a troubled mind and in times it takes you a second to know if is a memory or real time or hallucinations. The characters are feel confident on what they know except for David who is asking himself if all of this is even real just like the audience.

Then the second episode came and it was straight forward. No more weird editing no more overlapping stories it felt like I was watching a completely different show, what happened?

The episode 3 came by and I realized, the show changes depending what the episode is about. The first was David thinking he is crazy so the show looks crazy. Then if is about David's fears is a horror show. If they have to investigate the show becomes a detectives show. And to me that is great.

The show is at episode 4 and I'm hooked I want to see how will it evolve and what will happen to everyone.

But I also can see people who will not like the show is changing because they want to be the same over and over again or because they want a show to be like a really long movie. But I like the way is taking.