Wednesday, October 16, 2024

My room it's no longer my room.

I heard my sister say this phrase a few years ago. My mother had sold my sister furniture and put her things in boxes, so my sister's room was now a guest room. My sister was in shock, I didn't grasp the extend to it until I came back to Canada, and my brother had turned my old room into his office/warehouse. 

I had never had a space 100% mine until this place, and coming back, looking at how it is now under my brother's care hit me hard. Like everything I have ever done was worthless. 

It was a shock, but I'm getting used to it, I mean, everything I do turns to shit, why not the only place I felt at home?

What would you say to a suicidal person?

I'm actually asking. Because I have heard the stupid point of "You have so much to live for" Oh yeah? What? What do I have going on? What do I have in my favour? What do I have to live for? I'll tell you what... nothing.

I have no job, it was a shit job anyway. I have not a single soul how actually listen to me.

So, what would you say to me? What do I have that would be so great in the future?

Then again, nobody reads this so is a great way to blow off steam without worrying people, also if I kill myself, people will be able to read this and see it wasn't sudden and that the people close to me didn't want to see what was happening. 

Still here, still a parasite

So, I'm still a loser, my situation just get worse, I have no money and haven't even got 1 certificate to start my journey. On top of that the girl I love is getting through tougher times, so she now is isolating herself and I don't know if the messages I send her constantly even reach her. 

I'm ready to give up and I have no one to talk about it. Every one thinks I'm stupid, so they will talk down to me, lecture me and treat me like a child who missed behaved. Because, yes I have poured all my money to help her, yes I lose sleep for her, yes she has a boyfriend. But as they say, "You don't choose who you fall in love with" 

So yes, it's Wednesday, I have to do homework and still I'm sitting on the floor wasting time, writing an entry on a blog nobody reads.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


I have never been chosen, I was never someone's go to person, hell, I haven't even been on the radar of most people I know to do something I'm actually good at. And now people asks why do I have so weird confidence? 

Well I have been rejected from 90% of things I have applied, from jobs to relationships. And even in the relationships I did get they told me how unworthy I was. Things like "You are not handsome" "What do you have to offer?" "I don't know how I ended with you" and so on. Even my mother told me once "I would have never dated a guy like you".

Because of things like that I always try to make myself useful for the person I'm dating, I even furnished 3 rooms with furniture I build with my own hands (really build not Ikea) for someone who ended cheating on me, but that way when the relationship is over I know I did everything I could, and she thought I wasn't enough.

So I'm confident I'm one of the best options for a lot of things, but I also know that most people see me as useless. So again, I'm the kid who got never picked for teams, yes actually at my school one team always preferred to be one player short than having me in the team. I just sat on the sidelines and played with the dirt and grass.

So now, when I see this beautiful woman, the most perfect angel in all creation, which I love with all my heart, I can't help but to think, in the back of my mind, that no matter how much I improve I'll be rejected, I mean, lesser women have laughed, cheated, and dismissed me. But she is so good, and nice I think she will see what the others missed and I think that she will give me an opportunity and see I'm wonderful and everything she wants in a partner, my brain can do both. You know prepare for the worst and expect the best.

The worst part is that I have to wait until I can fix everything and improve, which will be at least 5 months, sounds like nothing, but when you can't be with the one you love feels like an eternity. 

Monday, April 8, 2024

Pain and Despair

Lately, the most beautiful woman in the world has been having trouble to connect to the internet, her cellphone died. But she connects every third day or so and I get a like or a message on the daily messages I send her. Also on the weekends she usually goes out so her messages might come until a later day, around Monday.

But this weekend was different, she told me she felt like a horrible person, and nothing cold be farther from the truth. She is wonderful, kind, strong, smart and talented in everything she does. But I had no answer after she said that to me. I really hope she is alright. 

Also, she has a boyfriend (or partner whatever) but since I know her she said she is polyamorous, which means I could be another boyfriend, right? Well I noticed way more activity of him acting all lovey dovey on IG since he started helping her on her own page. I don't know, might saw my messages and felt uncomfortable. Well I feel uncomfortable each time I see a picture of them together, so we are even. 

Well as they say, you don't choose who you love, and this ordeal of falling for someone at the other side of the ocean, with a boyfriend and me being not the greatest option for anything just gets me heartache and sleepless nights. But I wouldn't quit it for anything in the world, because if that's the price for having her in my life, I'll pay it gladly.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024


Every time I have explained I'm not the jealous type. Because to be Jealousy is the wrong way to see a relationship, I see it as you looking at the other person as your property, and it should never be like that.

But me not being jealous doesn't mean I don't love the other person, or I don't feel anything. I do feel something. When the other person entertain the idea of being with someone else, or give room to other people so it looks like she has "options" I feel bad, I feel sad, with a knot in my throat and pain in my chest. I feel like I was not enough and never will be, so I don't fight over her, because I already gave all what I was willing to give, and if that wasn't enough there is nothing more I can do.

Noted that I have been willing to do or give more for some girls than others. For some I wasn't going to pay 2 buses and for another I would walk her through hell and back (You know who you are, I tell you that I love you each morning)

But yes, if I realize the girl is going around, I don't stick around to see if she picks me. I'll walk away and don't comeback. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Remembering how I started

Around a year ago I got the idea of just buying stuff for her and maybe getting picture sets or short videos. Because I thought she will never talk to me or even notice me. Then it started to grow, we talked more and I got to know her, I'm not delusional but I'm dumb enough and a dreamer to think it could be more. 

My heart just went wild, still just trying to help her but at the same time falling for her, hard. But still I thought it was impossible to get into a relationship with her, my dead-end job, the almost no chance of moving to Spain, my economy always on red. But then, I got the idea of following my brother's steps, move to the US with the teacher program, is difficult, is hard and costly. But is a way, then I started looking for a way to get a farm so she could have a horse and everything. But still I'm just a random guy on her screen who sends her messages, and that breaks me every day, I want to be more, I want to hug her and talk to her everyday, help her taking care of her pets, to look at her in the mornings and cook and bake for her.

But that is drawing on delusional, I'll keep my journey, try to help her as much as I can and improve myself. I'll give my best but will not expect for her to fall for me or even be nice about it (even though she is super nice and sweet) I'll be here for her and I need to be happy with it. Just for her to know that I like her and she has my heart.